Review Request: JDK-8167057 jdeps to list the modules and internal APIs to help find @modules for tests

Alexandre (Shura) Iline alexandre.iline at
Wed Oct 19 23:22:19 UTC 2016


I have a question around line 228 of src/jdk.jdeps/share/classes/com/sun/tools/jdeps/
 224         new Option(false, "--list-deps", "--list-reduced-deps") {
 225             void process(JdepsTask task, String opt, String arg) {
 226                 task.options.showModulesAddExports = true;
 227                 task.options.reduced = opt.equals("--list-reduced-deps");
 228                 task.options.verbose = PACKAGE;
 229             }
 230         },

What is the expected behavior of jdeps if I use ‘—list-jdeps’ at the same time as, say, ‘-v’? 

Should there be more checks similar to these?
 483             if ((options.findJDKInternals) && (options.hasFilter() || options.showSummary)) {
 484                 showHelp();
 485                 return EXIT_CMDERR;
 486             }
 487             if (options.showSummary && options.verbose != SUMMARY) {
 488                 showHelp();
 489                 return EXIT_CMDERR;
 490             }

Looking on already existing options, with the current implementation, for ‘-s’ and -v’ options:
‘-v' ‘-s’ causes ‘-v' to be ignored
‘-s' ‘-v’ is not allowed.

If used with ‘-jdkinternals', ‘-s’ is not allowed, while ‘-v’ is ignored.

Is this the intended behavior?


> On Oct 19, 2016, at 3:19 PM, Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at> wrote:
> Webrev at:
> This patch enhances jdeps to print the dependences in the format : $MODULE[/$PACKAGE].
> This is intended for analyzing the regression tests we develop and add make it easy to add the proper @modules.
> Mandy

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