RFR: 8164805: Fail to create a MR modular JAR with a versioned entry in base-versioned empty package
Steve Drach
steve.drach at oracle.com
Thu Oct 20 00:05:20 UTC 2016
>> issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8164805
>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sdrach/8164805/webrev.00/
> Issue a warning is good in the case public classes are added in a concealed package. Some comments:
> Main.java
> addExtendedModuleAttributes does not seem to be the appropriate method to initialize concealedPackages. It would be better to set concealedPackages in a separate method that will be called for each modular JAR.
I made a simple change to existing code, I wasn’t intending to make significant changes to jar tool. Of course as time goes on, jar tool continues to grow into a bigger hair ball. It would definitely benefit from major cosmetic surgery. Perhaps I don’t understand the point you are trying to make.
> Validator.java
> 160 main.error(Main.formatMsg("error.validator.concealed.public.class", entryName));
> This is a warning. You should add a new warn method to make it clear.
> Similiarly, “error.validator.concealed.public.class” should be renamed to “warn.validator.concealed.public.class”. I notice there are several keys with “error.validator” prefix that are meant for warnings. It’d be good to change them too.
> 247 if (idx > -1) {
> 248 String pkgName = internalName.substring(0, idx).replace('/', '.');
> 249 if (main.concealedPackages.contains(pkgName)) {
> 250 return true;
> 251 }
> 252 }
> Alternative impl for the above lines:
> String pkgName = idx != -1 ? internalName.substring(0, idx).replace('/', '.’)
> : “”;
> return main.concealedPackages.contains(pkgName);
> jar.properties
> 112 error.validator.concealed.public.class=\
> 113 warning - entry {0} is a public class in a concealed package, placing this \
> 114 jar on the class path will result in incompatible public interfaces
> line 113 needs new line ‘\n’. You may break it into 3 lines
> since the entry name will take up some characters.
> ConcealedPackage.java test
> 60 Path destination = userdir.resolve("classes”);
> I suggest to use Paths.get(“classes”) rather than ${user.dir}.
Is there a performance advantage or some other reason for doing this? The way I do it seems reasonable.
> jtreg will clean up the JTwork/scratch directory after the test run.
That’s what the docs say but I’ve seen problems in the past with windows machines, so I just got in the habit
of doing my own clean up.
> 63 // add an empty directory
> 64 Files.createDirectory(destination.resolve("p").resolve("internal"));
> I suggest to take this out. The test verifies if "jar tf mmr.jar” succeeds.
Ok. Just trying to make it exactly the same as the jar structure in the bug report.
> The test should test both “cf” and “uf” and verify that the ConcealedPackage attributes in module-info.class is updated correctly (one single module-info.class case in the root entry and two module-info.class - root and versioned).
> 92 private int jar(String cmd) {
> Nit: this can simply take a varargs and no need to split:
> jar(String… options)
I like the String because it’s more readable and I suspect the split isn’t that costly.
> 76 private String files(Path start) throws IOException {
> Perhaps return Stream<String>. That can replace the unnecessary concat in a String and then later split to pass to javac.
What we probably want is stream.toArray(String[]::new), but then we’d have to copy that array into a new array that is 2 elements larger to accommodate the destination parameter. I wonder if that’s any better. I need to think about it.
> Mandy
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