RFR: 8163162: The separation between system loggers and application loggers should take the extension loader in consideration.

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at Oracle.com
Wed Oct 26 15:06:17 UTC 2016

Hi Daniel,

It is common now to use a lambda for the target of doPriv; its a bit 
lighter weight
as it becomes a method reference instead of an additional inner class.

Looks fine with or without the lambda.


On 10/26/2016 9:58 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> Hi,
> Please find below a small patch for
> 8163162: The separation between system loggers and application
>          loggers should take the extension loader in consideration.
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8163162
> With the deprivileging of some JDK modules, classes loaded
> by the Platform class loader should get the same kind of
> loggers than classes loaded by the Boot class loader (null loader).
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_8163162/webrev.00/
> best regards,
> -- daniel

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