Request/discussion: BufferedReader reading using async API while providing sync API

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Thu Oct 27 13:55:39 UTC 2016

On 10/27/2016 03:48 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
> On 10/27/2016 02:20 PM, Brunoais wrote:
>> Hey.
>> Any idea how to skip tests? When testing for BufferedInputStream, the 
>> directBufferSize is not used so testing with different 
>> directBufferSize makes no sense.
>> I already tried "return 0" on the benchmarked test but jmh fills the 
>> output with " (*interrupt*)" if I do that.
> If all combinations of @Param(s) don't make sense then I usually 
> collapse two or three of them into one "compound" @Param containing 
> the sensible combinations of their components. The type of such @Param 
> field is String and the content is a delimited multi-value tuple. the 
> @Setup method then parses such tuple into components...
> Regards, Peter

Another possibility is to invoke the test(s) with command-line overrides 
for values of particular parameters. The benchmark will then run just 
the combinations you specify on the command line (try: java -jar 
benchmarks.jar -help).


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