Request/discussion: BufferedReader reading using async API while providing sync API
brunoaiss at
Thu Oct 27 19:08:46 UTC 2016
You are right. Even in windows it does not set the flags for async
reads. It seems like it is windows itself that does the decision to
buffer the contents based on its own heuristics.
But... Why? Why won't it be? Why is there no API for it? How am I
getting 100% HDD use and faster times when I fake work to delay getting
more data and I only have a fluctuating 60-90% (always going up and
down) when I use an InputStream?
Is it related to how both classes cache and how frequently and how much
each one asks for data?
I really would prefer not having to read the source code because it
takes a real long time T.T.
I end up reinstating... And wondering...
Why doesn't java provide a single-threaded non-block API for file reads
for all OS that support it? I simply cannot find that information no
matter how much I search on google, bing, duck duck go... Can any of you
point me to whomever knows?
On 27/10/2016 14:11, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
> I don't know about Windows specifically, but generally file systems
> across major OS's will implement readahead in their IO scheduler when
> they detect sequential scans.
> On Linux, you can also strace your test to confirm which syscalls are
> emitted (you should be seeing plain read()'s there, with
> FileInputStream and FileChannel).
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Brunoais <brunoaiss at
> <mailto:brunoaiss at>> wrote:
> Thanks for the heads up.
> I'll try that later. These tests are still useful then. Meanwhile,
> I'll end up also checking how FileChannel queries the OS on
> windows. I'm getting 100% HDD reads... Could it be that the OS
> reads the file ahead on its own?... Anyway, I'll look into it.
> Thanks for the heads up.
> On 27/10/2016 13:53, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 8:34 AM, Brunoais <brunoaiss at
>> <mailto:brunoaiss at>> wrote:
>> Oh... I see. In that case, it means something is terribly
>> wrong. It can be my initial tests, though.
>> I'm testing on both linux and windows and I'm getting
>> performance gains from using the FileChannel compared to
>> using FileInputStream... The tests also make sense based on
>> my predictions O_O...
>> FileInputStream requires copying native buffers holding the read
>> data to the java byte[]. If you're using direct ByteBuffer for
>> FileChannel, that whole memcpy is skipped. Try comparing
>> FileChannel with HeapByteBuffer instead.
>> On 27/10/2016 11:47, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
>>> On Thursday, October 27, 2016, Brunoais <brunoaiss at
>>> <mailto:brunoaiss at>> wrote:
>>> Did you read the C code?
>>> I looked at the Linux code in the JDK.
>>> Have you got any idea how many functions Windows or
>>> Linux (nearly all flavors) have for the read operation
>>> towards a file?
>>> I do.
>>> I have already done that homework myself. I may not have
>>> read JVM's source code but I know well that there's
>>> functions on both Windows and Linux that provide such
>>> interface I mentioned although they require a slightly
>>> different treatment (and different constants).
>>> You should read the JDK (native) source code instead of
>>> guessing/assuming. On Linux, it doesn't use aio facilities
>>> for files. The kernel io scheduler may issue readahead
>>> behind the scenes, but there's no nonblocking file io that's
>>> at the heart of your premise.
>>> On 27/10/2016 00:06, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, October 26, 2016, Brunoais
>>> <brunoaiss at <mailto:brunoaiss at>>
>>> wrote:
>>> It is actually based on the premise that:
>>> 1. The first call to
>>> sets the OS
>>> buffer size to fill in as the same size as
>>> ByteBuffer.
>>> Why do you say that? AFAICT, it issues a read
>>> syscall and that will block if the data isn't in
>>> page cache.
>>> 2. The consecutive calls to
>>> orders
>>> the JVM to order the OS to execute memcpy()
>>> to copy from its memory
>>> to the shared memory created at ByteBuffer
>>> instantiation (in
>>> java 8)
>>> using Unsafe and then for the JVM to update
>>> the ByteBuffer fields.
>>> I think subsequent reads just invoke the same read
>>> syscall, passing the current file offset maintained
>>> by the file channel instance.
>>> 3. The call will not block waiting for I/O and
>>> it won't take longer
>>> than the JNI interface if no new data exists.
>>> However, it will
>>> block
>>> waiting for the OS to execute memcpy() to the
>>> shared memory.
>>> So why do you think it won't block?
>>> Is my premise wrong?
>>> If I read correctly, if I don't use a
>>> DirectBuffer, there would be
>>> even another intermediate buffer to copy data to
>>> before giving it
>>> to the "user" which would be useless.
>>> If you use a HeapByteBuffer, then there's an extra
>>> copy from the native buffer to the Java buffer.
>>> On 26/10/2016 11:57, Pavel Rappo wrote:
>>> I believe I see where you coming from.
>>> Please correct me if
>>> I'm wrong.
>>> Your implementation is based on the premise
>>> that a call to
>>> _initiates_ the operation and returns
>>> immediately. The OS then
>>> continues to fill
>>> the buffer while there's a free space in the
>>> buffer and the
>>> channel hasn't encountered EOF.
>>> Is that right?
>>> On 25 Oct 2016, at 22:16, Brunoais
>>> <brunoaiss at>
>>> wrote:
>>> Thank you for your time. I'll try to
>>> explain it. I hope I
>>> can clear it up.
>>> First of it, I made a meaning mistake
>>> between asynchronous
>>> and non-blocking. This implementation
>>> uses a non-blocking
>>> algorithm internally while providing a
>>> blocking-like
>>> algorithm on the surface. It is
>>> single-threaded and not
>>> multi-threaded where one thread fetches
>>> data and blocks
>>> waiting and the other accumulates it and
>>> provides to
>>> whichever wants it.
>>> Second of it, I had made a mistake of
>>> going after
>>> BufferedReader instead of going after
>>> BufferedInputStream.
>>> If you want me to go after
>>> BufferedReader it's ok but I
>>> only thought that going after
>>> BufferedInputStream would be
>>> more generically useful than
>>> BufferedReaderwhen I started
>>> the poc.
>>> On to my code:
>>> Short answers:
>>> • The sleep(int) exists because
>>> I don't know how
>>> to wait until more data exists in the
>>> buffer which is part
>>> of read()'s contract.
>>> • The ByteBuffer gives a buffer
>>> that is filled by
>>> the OS (what I believe Channels do)
>>> instead of getting
>>> data only by demand (what I
>>> believe Streams do).
>>> Full answers:
>>> The blockingFill(boolean) method is a
>>> method for a busy
>>> wait for a fill which is used
>>> exclusively by the read()
>>> method. All other methods use the
>>> version that does not
>>> sleep (fill(boolean)).
>>> blockingFill(boolean)'s existance like that is only
>>> because the read() method must not
>>> return unless either:
>>> • The stream ended.
>>> • The next byte is ready for
>>> reading.
>>> Additionally, statistically, that while
>>> loop will rarely
>>> evaluate to true as reads are in chunks
>>> so readPos will be
>>> behind writePos most of the time.
>>> I have no idea if an interrupt will ever
>>> happen, to be
>>> honest. The main reasons why I'm using a
>>> sleep is because
>>> I didn't want a hog onto the CPU in a
>>> full thread usage
>>> busy wait and because I didn't find any
>>> way of doing a
>>> thread sleep in order to wake up later
>>> when the buffer
>>> managed by native code has more data.
>>> The Non-blocking part is managed by the
>>> buffer the OS
>>> keeps filling most if not all the time.
>>> That buffer is the
>>> field
>>> ByteBuffer readBuffer
>>> That's the gaining part against the
>>> plain old Buffered
>>> classes.
>>> Did that make sense to you? Feel free to
>>> ask anything else
>>> you need.
>>> On 25/10/2016 20:52, Pavel Rappo wrote:
>>> I've skimmed through the code and
>>> I'm not sure I can
>>> see any asynchronicity
>>> (you were pointing at the lack of it
>>> in BufferedReader).
>>> And the mechanics of this is very
>>> puzzling to me, to
>>> be honest:
>>> void blockingFill(boolean
>>> forced) throws
>>> IOException {
>>> fill(forced);
>>> while (readPos == writePos) {
>>> try {
>>> Thread.sleep(100);
>>> } catch
>>> (InterruptedException e) {
>>> // An interrupt may mean more data is
>>> available
>>> }
>>> fill(forced);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> I thought you were suggesting that
>>> we should utilize
>>> the tools which OS provides
>>> more efficiently. Instead we have
>>> something that looks
>>> very similarly to a
>>> "busy loop" and... also who and when
>>> is supposed to
>>> interrupt Thread.sleep()?
>>> Sorry, I'm not following. Could you
>>> please explain how
>>> this is supposed to work?
>>> On 24 Oct 2016, at 15:59, Brunoais
>>> <brunoaiss at>
>>> wrote:
>>> Attached and sending!
>>> On 24/10/2016 13:48, Pavel Rappo
>>> wrote:
>>> Could you please send a new
>>> email on this list
>>> with the source attached as a
>>> text file?
>>> On 23 Oct 2016, at
>>> 19:14, Brunoais
>>> <brunoaiss at>
>>> wrote:
>>> Here's my poc/prototype:
>>> I've implemented the
>>> bare minimum of the
>>> class that follows the same contract of
>>> BufferedReader while signaling all issues
>>> I think it may have or
>>> has in comments.
>>> I also wrote some
>>> javadoc to help guiding
>>> through the class.
>>> I could have used more
>>> fields from
>>> BufferedReader but the names were so
>>> minimalistic that were confusing me. I
>>> intent to change them before sending this
>>> to openJDK.
>>> One of the major
>>> problems this has is long
>>> overflowing. It is major because it is
>>> hidden, it will be extremely rare and it
>>> takes a really long time to reproduce.
>>> There are different ways of dealing with
>>> it. From just
>>> documenting to actually
>>> making code that works with it.
>>> I built a simple test
>>> code for it to have
>>> some ideas about
>>> performance and correctness.
>>> This doesn't do a
>>> through test if it is
>>> actually working correctly but I see no
>>> reason for it not working correctly after
>>> fixing the 2 bugs that test found.
>>> I'll also leave here
>>> some conclusions
>>> about speed and resource consumption I found.
>>> I made tests with
>>> default buffer sizes,
>>> 5000B 15_000B and 500_000B. I noticed
>>> that, with my hardware, with the 1 530 000
>>> 000B file, I was getting
>>> around:
>>> In all buffers and fake
>>> work: 10~15s speed
>>> improvement ( from 90% HDD speed to 100%
>>> HDD speed)
>>> In all buffers and no
>>> fake work: 1~2s
>>> speed improvement ( from 90% HDD speed to
>>> 100% HDD speed)
>>> Changing the buffer size was giving
>>> different reading speeds but both were
>>> quite equal in how much they would change
>>> when changing the buffer
>>> size.
>>> Finally, I could always confirm that I/O
>>> was always the slowest
>>> thing while this
>>> code was running.
>>> For the ones wondering
>>> about the file
>>> size; it is both to avoid OS cache and to
>>> make the reading at the
>>> main use-case
>>> these objects are for (large streams of
>>> bytes).
>>> @Pavel, are you open for discussion now
>>> ;)? Need anything else?
>>> On 21/10/2016 19:21,
>>> Pavel Rappo wrote:
>>> Just to append to my previous email.
>>> BufferedReader wraps any Reader out there.
>>> Not specifically FileReader. While
>>> you're talking about the case of effective
>>> reading from a file.
>>> I guess there's one existing
>>> possibility to provide exactly what
>>> you need (as I
>>> understand it) under this method:
>>> /**
>>> * Opens a file for reading,
>>> returning a {@code BufferedReader} to
>>> read text
>>> * from the file in an efficient
>>> manner...
>>> ...
>>> */
>>> java.nio.file.Files#newBufferedReader(java.nio.file.Path)
>>> It can return _anything_ as long as it
>>> is a BufferedReader. We can do it, but it
>>> needs to be investigated not only for
>>> your favorite OS but for other OSes as
>>> well. Feel free to prototype this and
>>> we can discuss it on the list later.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Pavel
>>> On 21 Oct 2016, at 18:56, Brunoais
>>> <brunoaiss at>
>>> wrote:
>>> Pavel is right.
>>> In reality, I was expecting such
>>> BufferedReader to use only a
>>> single buffer and have that Buffer
>>> being filled asynchronously, not
>>> in a different Thread.
>>> Additionally, I don't have the
>>> intention of having a larger
>>> buffer than before unless stated
>>> through the API (the constructor).
>>> In my idea, internally, it is
>>> supposed to use
>>> java.nio.channels.AsynchronousFileChannel
>>> or equivalent.
>>> It does not prevent having two
>>> buffers and I do not intent to
>>> change BufferedReader itself. I'd
>>> do an BufferedAsyncReader of sorts
>>> (any name suggestion is welcome as
>>> I'm an awful namer).
>>> On 21/10/2016 18:38, Roger Riggs
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Pavel,
>>> I think Brunoais asking for a
>>> double buffering scheme in
>>> which the implementation of
>>> BufferReader fills (a second
>>> buffer) in parallel with the
>>> application reading from the
>>> 1st buffer
>>> and managing the swaps and
>>> async reads transparently.
>>> It would not change the API
>>> but would change the
>>> interactions between the
>>> buffered reader
>>> and the underlying stream. It
>>> would also increase memory
>>> requirements and processing
>>> by introducing or using a
>>> separate thread and the
>>> necessary synchronization.
>>> Though I think the formal
>>> interface semantics could be
>>> maintained, I have doubts
>>> about compatibility and its
>>> unintended consequences on
>>> existing subclasses,
>>> applications and libraries.
>>> $.02, Roger
>>> On 10/21/16 1:22 PM, Pavel
>>> Rappo wrote:
>>> Off the top of my head, I
>>> would say it's not
>>> possible to change the
>>> design of an
>>> _extensible_ type that has
>>> been out there for 20 or
>>> so years. All these I/O
>>> streams from <>
>>> <> were
>>> designed for simple
>>> synchronous use case.
>>> It's not that their design
>>> is flawed in some way,
>>> it's that they doesn't seem to
>>> suit your needs. Have you
>>> considered using
>>> java.nio.channels.AsynchronousFileChannel
>>> in your applications?
>>> -Pavel
>>> On 21 Oct 2016, at
>>> 17:08, Brunoais
>>> <brunoaiss at>
>>> wrote:
>>> Any feedback on this?
>>> I'm really interested
>>> in implementing such
>>> BufferedReader/BufferedStreamReader
>>> to allow speeding up
>>> my applications
>>> without having to
>>> think in an
>>> asynchronous way or
>>> multi-threading while
>>> programming with it.
>>> That's why I'm asking
>>> this here.
>>> On 13/10/2016 14:45,
>>> Brunoais wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I looked at
>>> BufferedReader
>>> source code for
>>> java 9 long with
>>> the source code of
>>> the
>>> channels/streams
>>> used. I noticed
>>> that, like in java
>>> 7, BufferedReader
>>> does not use an
>>> Async API to load
>>> data from files,
>>> instead, the data
>>> loading is all
>>> done synchronously
>>> even when the OS
>>> allows requesting
>>> a file to be read
>>> and getting a
>>> warning later when
>>> the file is
>>> effectively read.
>>> Why Is
>>> BufferedReader not
>>> async while
>>> providing a sync API?
>>> <><>
>>> --
>>> Sent from my phone
>>> --
>>> Sent from my phone
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