[jdk9] (XS) RFR: 8165243: Base64.Encoder.wrap(os).write(byte[], int, int) with incorrect arguments should not produce output

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at oracle.com
Fri Sep 2 16:55:25 UTC 2016


On 09/02/2016 09:39 AM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
> Roger and Alan, thanks for suggestions!
> I incorporated most of them:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~igerasim/8165243/02/webrev/
>>> Is it good to go?
>> Using RandomFactory looks okay although more awkward to run the test standalone, I assume rnd should be final.
>> Since you changing a lot of usages then personally I have input stream named "in" rather than "is" easier to read.
> But there are also os, baos, bais around, so changing only is to in would be inconsistent.
>> I agree with Roger on making the exception messages clearer.
> Sure, I made them clearer, as suggested.
> Hopefully, we won't see them too often :)
>> A minor comment but the method names in the test are a bit inconsistent, "Encoder" vs "Enc" for example.
> Yes, changed to full names and got rid of new checkXXX methods, as they weren't really needed.
> With kind regards,
> Ivan

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