Make iterators cloneable?

Dave Brosius dbrosius at
Sun Sep 11 00:23:41 UTC 2016

 >> Iterators reading from a BufferedReader

yes that's true. altho given the contract of Cloneable, adding the clone 
method on Iterator would be safe, as it would only be available if the 
real implementing class 'extends Cloneable'... it's actually kind of 
funny that Object methods aren't available on interface references, anyway.

But i get the "age of Iterator" answer.. Shame there isn't an answer, tho.

thanks, dave

On 09/10/2016 07:44 PM, Louis Wasserman wrote:
> Some iterators might be.  Many may not be. Certainly Iterator as an 
> interface has been out there for long enough there are Iterator 
> implementations out there that aren't cloneable -- say, Iterators 
> reading from a BufferedReader, where there really won't be any way to 
> do what you're hoping for; BufferedReaders certainly aren't cloneable.
> On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 4:33 PM Dave Brosius <dbrosius at 
> <mailto:dbrosius at>> wrote:
>     Yes Louis is correct.
>     I want the pair wise associations or all elements of a set.
>     Fee-Fi
>     Fee-Fo
>     Fee-Fum
>     Fi-Fo
>     Fi-Fum
>     Fo-Fum
>     the independent iterators produce Fee-Fee (etc) as well as the
>     duplicate Fee-Fi and Fi-Fee (etc), both of which i don't want.
>     This is obviously simplistic with index based collections, but not
>     with sets/maps
>     I don't see why an Iterator isn't by nature easily cloneable.
>     On 09/10/2016 06:45 PM, Jonathan Bluett-Duncan wrote:
>>     Ah okay Louis, if that's the case then that certainly makes
>>     sense, and I'd agree that there's no good way of doing so, as one
>>     would need to copy the set into a list.
>>     Dave, did Louis hit the mark? If not, would you kindly go into
>>     further detail as to exactly what it is you're trying to do?
>>     Best,
>>     Jonathan
>>     On 10 September 2016 at 23:36, Jonathan Bluett-Duncan
>>     <jbluettduncan at <mailto:jbluettduncan at>> wrote:
>>         Hi Dave,
>>         Rather than using Iterator.clone(), how about you just call
>>         collection.iterator() 2 times to return 2 unique, non-same
>>         iterators; something like the following:
>>         import java.util.Collections;
>>         import java.util.Iterator;
>>         import java.util.Set;
>>         import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
>>         public class Example {public static void main(String[] args) { Set<String> s =
>>         Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String,
>>         Boolean>()); s.add("Fee"); s.add("Fi"); s.add("Fo");
>>         s.add("Fum"); Iterator<String> it1 = s.iterator();      for (String v1 =null; it1.hasNext(); v1 {
>>                Iterator<String> it2 = s.iterator();// a completely separate iterator to it1 for (String v2 =null; it2.hasNext(); v2 = {System.out.println(v1 + " <-->" + v2); } } } }
>>         Or, even better, if you're using Java 5+, you can skip using
>>         Iterators altogether and use for-loops directly:
>>         import java.util.Collections;
>>         import java.util.Set;
>>         import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
>>         public class Example {public static void main(String[] args) { Set<String> s =
>>         Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String,
>>         Boolean>()); s.add("Fee"); s.add("Fi"); s.add("Fo");
>>         s.add("Fum");      for (String v1 : s) {
>>                for (String v2 : s) {System.out.println(v1 + "<-->" + v2); } } } }
>>         Kind regards,
>>         Jonathan
>>         On 10 September 2016 at 23:13, Dave Brosius
>>         <dbrosius at <mailto:dbrosius at>>
>>         wrote:
>>             It would be nice to be able to associate each element in
>>             a collection with another element in the collection,
>>             which is something very easily done with index based
>>             collections, but with sets, etc this isn't so easy...
>>             unless i'm having a brainfart. So i'd like to do this,
>>             but Iterator doesn't implement Cloneable... Any reason
>>             not to? or is there another way that's missing me? public
>>             class ItClone {     public static void main(String[]
>>             args) {         Set<String> s =
>>             Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String,
>>             Boolean>());         s.add("Fee");         s.add("Fi");  
>>                   s.add("Fo");         s.add("Fum");        
>>             Iterator<String> it1 = s.iterator();         while
>>             (it1.hasNext()) {             String v1 =;    
>>                     Iterator<String> it2 = (Iterator<String>)
>>             it1.*clone*();             while (it2.hasNext()) {      
>>                       String v2 =;                
>>             System.out.println(v1 + " <-->" + v2);             }    
>>                 }     } } 

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