RFR: jsr166 jdk9 integration wave 10

Martin Buchholz martinrb at google.com
Mon Sep 12 16:57:40 UTC 2016

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 3:22 AM, Aleksey Shipilev <shade at redhat.com> wrote:

> Minor things:
> CountedCompleter.java:
>  176  *         setPendingCount(1); // not off by one !
> is better spelled like this?
>  176  *         setPendingCount(1); // only one pending, not two!

I already struggled over the wording here .... hmmm ... how about

// looks off by one, but correct!

> SubmissionTest.java:
> +    static long millisElapsedSince(long startTime) {
> +        return (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / (1000L * 1000L);
> +    }
> ...
> +                if (millisElapsedSince(startTime) >= LONG_DELAY_MS) {
> I hate these unit conversions sprinkled everywhere. Can it be like this?
This is already used pervasively in the tck tests.  Imagine
that millisElapsedSince were moved to a utility class, like JSR166TestCase,
but for jtreg tests.

>  if (TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startTime) >=

 I don't like the verbosity of that.  Probably something closer to Guava's
Stopwatch would be cleaner.
But that's a big TODO.

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