RFR(L): 8161211: better inlining support for loop bytecode intrinsics

Vladimir Ivanov vladimir.x.ivanov at oracle.com
Tue Sep 20 15:17:47 UTC 2016

Looks good.

+    LambdaForm bmhArrayForm(MethodType type, 
BoundMethodHandle.SpeciesData speciesData) {
+        int size = type.parameterCount();
+        Transform key = Transform.of(Transform.BMH_AS_ARRAY, size);
+        LambdaForm form = getInCache(key);
+        if (form != null) {
+            return form;
+        }

Please, add an assert to ensure the cached LF has the same constraint as 
requested (speciesData).

Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov

On 9/20/16 3:53 PM, Michael Haupt wrote:
> Dear all,
> please review this change.
> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8161211
> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mhaupt/8161211/webrev.00/
> The method handle loop combinators introduced with JEP 274 were originally not intrinsified, leading to poor performance as compared to a pure-Java baseline, but also to handwired method handle combinations. The intrinsics introduced with 8143211 [1] improved on the situation somewhat, but still did not provide good inlining opportunities for the JIT compiler. This change introduces a usage of BoundMethodHandles as arrays to carry the various handles involved in loop execution.
> Extra credits to Vladimir Ivanov, who suggested the BMH-as-arrays approach in the first place, and Claes Redestad, who suggested to use LambdaForm editing to neatly enable caching. Thanks!
> Performance improves considerably. The table below reports scores in ns/op. The "unpatched" column contains results from before applying the patch for 8161211; the "patched" column, from thereafter.
> The create benchmarks measure the cost of loop handle creation. The baseline and baselineMH benchmarks measure the cost of running a pure Java and handwired method handle construct.
> Relevant comparisons include loop combinator results versus baselines, and versus unpatched loop combinator results. For the latter, there are significant improvements, except for the creation benchmarks (creation has a more complex workflow now). For the former, it can be seen that the BMH-array intrinsics generally perform better than handwired handle constructs, and have moved much closer to.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8143211
> Benchmark                                           (iterations)     unpatched        patched
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Create.create3             N/A              16039.108        18400.405
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Create.create4             N/A              15621.959        17924.696
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baseline3           0                2.858            2.839
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baseline3           1                5.125            5.164
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baseline3           10               11.887           11.924
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baseline3           100              67.441           67.281
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baseline4           0                2.855            2.838
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baseline4           1                5.120            5.179
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baseline4           10               11.875           11.906
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baseline4           100              67.607           67.374
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH3         0                9.734            9.606
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH3         1                15.689           15.674
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH3         10               68.912           69.303
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH3         100              605.666          606.432
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH4         0                14.561           13.234
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH4         1                19.543           19.773
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH4         10               71.977           72.466
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH4         100              596.842          602.469
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.countedLoop3        0                49.339           5.810
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.countedLoop3        1                95.444           7.441
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.countedLoop3        10               508.746          21.002
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.countedLoop3        100              4701.808         145.996
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.countedLoop4        0                49.443           5.798
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.countedLoop4        1                98.721           7.438
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.countedLoop4        10               503.825          21.049
> MethodHandlesCountedLoop.Invoke.countedLoop4        100              4681.803         147.020
> MethodHandlesDoWhileLoop.Create.create              N/A              7628.312         9100.332
> MethodHandlesDoWhileLoop.Invoke.baseline            1                3.868            3.909
> MethodHandlesDoWhileLoop.Invoke.baseline            10               16.480           16.461
> MethodHandlesDoWhileLoop.Invoke.baseline            100              144.260          144.232
> MethodHandlesDoWhileLoop.Invoke.baselineMH          1                14.434           14.494
> MethodHandlesDoWhileLoop.Invoke.baselineMH          10               92.542           93.454
> MethodHandlesDoWhileLoop.Invoke.baselineMH          100              877.480          880.496
> MethodHandlesDoWhileLoop.Invoke.doWhileLoop         1                26.791           7.153
> MethodHandlesDoWhileLoop.Invoke.doWhileLoop         10               158.985          16.990
> MethodHandlesDoWhileLoop.Invoke.doWhileLoop         100              1391.746         130.946
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Create.create             N/A              13547.499        15478.542
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.baseline           0                2.973            2.980
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.baseline           1                6.771            6.658
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.baseline           10               14.955           14.955
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.baseline           100              81.842           82.582
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH         0                14.893           14.668
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH         1                20.998           21.304
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH         10               73.677           72.703
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.baselineMH         100              613.913          614.475
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.iteratedLoop       0                33.583           9.603
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.iteratedLoop       1                82.239           14.433
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.iteratedLoop       10               448.356          38.650
> MethodHandlesIteratedLoop.Invoke.iteratedLoop       100              4189.034         279.779
> MethodHandlesLoop.Create.create                     N/A              15505.970        17559.399
> MethodHandlesLoop.Invoke0.baseline                  1                3.179            3.181
> MethodHandlesLoop.Invoke0.baseline                  10               5.952            6.115
> MethodHandlesLoop.Invoke0.baseline                  100              50.942           50.943
> MethodHandlesLoop.Invoke0.loop                      1                46.454           5.353
> MethodHandlesLoop.Invoke0.loop                      10               514.230          8.487
> MethodHandlesLoop.Invoke0.loop                      100              5166.251         52.188
> MethodHandlesLoop.Invoke1.loop                      1                34.321           5.277
> MethodHandlesLoop.Invoke1.loop                      10               430.839          8.481
> MethodHandlesLoop.Invoke1.loop                      100              4095.302         52.206
> MethodHandlesTryFinally.baselineExceptional         N/A              3.005            3.002
> MethodHandlesTryFinally.baselineMHExceptional       N/A              166.316          166.087
> MethodHandlesTryFinally.baselineMHNormal            N/A              9.337            9.276
> MethodHandlesTryFinally.baselineNormal              N/A              2.696            2.683
> MethodHandlesTryFinally.create                      N/A              406.255          406.594
> MethodHandlesTryFinally.invokeTryFinallyExceptional N/A              154.121          154.692
> MethodHandlesTryFinally.invokeTryFinallyNormal      N/A              5.350            5.334
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Create.create                N/A              12214.383        14503.515
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.baseline              0                3.886            3.888
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.baseline              1                5.379            5.377
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.baseline              10               16.000           16.201
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.baseline              100              142.066          143.338
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.baselineMH            0                11.028           11.012
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.baselineMH            1                21.269           21.159
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.baselineMH            10               97.493           97.656
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.baselineMH            100              887.579          886.532
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.whileLoop             0                24.829           7.108
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.whileLoop             1                46.039           8.573
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.whileLoop             10               240.963          21.088
> MethodHandlesWhileLoop.Invoke.whileLoop             100              2092.671         159.016

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