RFR(s): 8166624: java/util/jar/JarFile/mrjar regression tests has undeclared dependencies

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Sep 25 14:48:36 UTC 2016

On 25/09/2016 13:53, Sergei Kovalev wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> The modules list in mrar/TEST.properties guarantee that jtreg add 
> "--add-module @modules" command line option during test execution. If 
> you create custom JRE that does not contains the modules, the tests 
> fails. The proposed fix guarantee that jtreg skips the tests if no 
> listed modules found.
Are you sure about this? I believe the original intent was that jtreg 
would select the test to run when the runtime has the required modules 
(@modules just overrides the value of "modules" that is read from 

In any case, it should be "@modules java.compiler", no need to include 
/javax.tools because that package is exported.


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