RFR(s): 8166624: java/util/jar/JarFile/mrjar regression tests has undeclared dependencies

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Sep 25 15:13:04 UTC 2016

On 25/09/2016 16:05, Sergei Kovalev wrote:

> Hi Alan,
> Here is the result of one of the tests run in initial state (no fix 
> applied)
For #2 and #3 then jtreg should ignore the test because they require 
jdk.compiler and jdk.jartool (declared in TEST.properties). This is why 
I'm wondering if we have a jtreg issue here. As I said, I don't have any 
issue working around this with the @modules that you propose but you can 
drop "/javax.tools" as it is not needed.


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