RFR: 8164479: Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Mon Sep 26 14:00:04 UTC 2016

On 26/09/2016 14:07, Roman Grigoriadi wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you for review. We were discussing java.net will go down 
> eventually, links to jaxb.java.net is best we have now (to fix 
> submitted javadoc bug), we will update links again when we know new 
> location of standalone projects documentation.
> Regarding clean standalone TCK tests - yes they are clean against 
> these changes, but there is one caveat to it:
> Standalone tests were never run on JDK9 yet. We are trying to utilize 
> a "multirelease-jar" feauture of JDK9 in standalone projects, to avoid 
> using reflection for JDK9 api and checks for module system. This 
> multirelease version of standalone project is still work in progress, 
> tests cannot be run against it yet. We are running standalone TCK 
> tests on JDK8 in separate branch, which has all these changes merged, 
> but lacks JDK9 only compatible classes - namely catalog API and some 
> resource loading with Module#getResourceAsStream. So lets say TCK 
> tests are "almost clean" against this version.
This seems a good use of MR JAR. Will the standalone version also have 
module-info in the top-level directory of the JAR file so that it can be 
deployed on the [upgrade] module path too?


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