RFR: 8164479: Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version

Roman Grigoriadi roman.grigoriadi at oracle.com
Tue Sep 27 15:52:16 UTC 2016

Thanks for pointing Mandy,

this package naming does apply to xerces types. I am not aware of any 
xerces package inside JAX-WS components.

I checked saaj-ri code and commented on issue (JDK-8166745). If 
elimination of com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.* is possible, it 
would not be an easy fix to include with this code sync.


On 09/26/2016 10:41 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> I brought this up a while back.  SAAJ uses the java.xml's internal dom implementation.
> Just to double check:
> Is the standalone referencing com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.**?  Does the package naming apply only to the JAX-WS types (but not these xerces types)?
> I couldn’t find any issue tracking it and will file one.

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