[9] RFR of JDK-8085192: java/rmi/activation/Activatable tests fail intermittently due to "Port already in use"

Joseph D. Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Thu Sep 29 23:14:37 UTC 2016

If Hamlin's approach is taken in the end, I think having a smaller retry 
count (5 or 10 rather than 20) would be more appropriate to avoid making 
the worst-case running time longer than necessary.



On 9/29/2016 6:55 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
> Hi Hamlin,
> One more suggested improvement.   Instead of two copy/paste copies of 
> the launch with options code,
> it would cleaner to create a separate RMID.launch(String[] options) 
> method that would be passed the extra arguments.
> Use it in forceLogSnapshot.java and ShutdownGracefully.java.
> The (current) no-arg version could call the version with args with an 
> empty array(or null).
> There would be only 1 copy of the launch algorithm.
> Roger

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