Bytestacks: bytecode level diagnostic tool for JVM startup analysis

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at
Tue Apr 4 13:51:48 UTC 2017

Hi core-libs,

some might be aware that I've been working on startup performance, 
sometimes finding a thing or
two in the JDK core libraries that can be improved...

Initially this was mostly guess-work based on changes that were found to 
have caused regressions,
but I've also been experimenting with a tool to more systematically 
visualize and analyze what's going
on during startup, bytecode-by-bytecode.

This has turned out to be very useful at pinpointing sources of startup 
regressions, and I've now cleaned
it up enough to publish a first version of it:

I hope someone here will find this useful, and if there's interest in 
seeing this developed further then I hope
I can find it a home in some more formalized (codetools?) project.



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