JDK 9 RFR(s): 8150488: add note to Scanner.findAll() regardingpossible infinite streams
Stuart Marks
stuart.marks at oracle.com
Wed Apr 5 05:48:53 UTC 2017
On 4/4/17 4:10 PM, Xueming Shen wrote:
> On 4/4/17, 12:52 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
>> I'd at least like to add the API note I proposed in order to document this
>> issue. I'm reluctant to start tinkering with the behavior of this method at
>> this late stage in the release.
>> BTW I used Scanner.findAll() in a little programming exercise I worked on the
>> other day. It worked perfectly. :-)
> The word "useless" was definitely exaggerate :-) Really meant to say the
> note might make the api less useful/popular.
> Personally I think the use scenario and the expected resulting behavior of
> Stream<MR>finaAll(ptn) should be more equivalent/similar to the use case of
> while (s.hasNext(p)) { s.next(p); }, or while (m.find()) { }, therefor it is
> probably desired it can be used without worrying the possibility of getting
> into an infinite loop.
The Scanner.tokens() API, also added in Java 9, provides a stream of delimited
tokens (strings) that's more-or-less equivalent of a hasNext()/next() loop.
Just as findWithinHorizon() is a distinct use case from hasNext()/next()
delimited tokens, findAll() provides for distinct uses from tokens().
> That said, I agree it might be hard to argue to fix it in jdk9. The question
> is if we are going to fix it in 9u sometime in the further, is it still worth
> putting down the note in the API now. I'm fine if you believe a note will
> help at least make the issue a known/documented usage limitation, for JDK9.
> Yes, I think we did chat about this one at the hallway some time when either
> you or something ran into the loop by using the method ...
There are already a couple ways you can get unexpected behavior with Scanner if
you're not careful. For example, see the warnings in findWithinHorizon() and
skip() about the possibility of buffering up the entire input. These methods are
useful, but if you're not careful with the regex you provide, things can go
wrong. The findAll() method seems to be in the same situation. It's not clear to
me that any of these are bugs for which there's a reasonable fix.
So yes, I think the note is necessary. I could also add something about
terminating such streams with limit() or takeWhile().
> Thanks,
> Sherman
>> s'marks
>> On 3/30/17 2:19 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
>>> Hi Timo, Sherman,
>>> Thanks for looking at this.
>>> Sherman wrote:
>>>> This might practically put the api itself almost useless? it might be an easy
>>>> task to spot
>>>> whether or not it's a 0-width-match-possible regex when the regex is simple,
>>>> but it gets
>>>> harder and harder, if not impossible when the regex gets complicated,
>>>> especially consider
>>>> the possible use scenario that the use site is embedded deeply inside a
>>>> library implementation.
>>> Well, not "useless", but perhaps less useful than one might like. :-)
>>> I think this is potentially surprising behavior, which is why I at least wanted
>>> to add the note. It's not clear to me whether we should try to fix this by
>>> changing Scanner though.
>>> Essentially, findAll() is defined in terms of findWithinHorizon(pattern, 0). So
>>> if one were to write a loop like so:
>>> String str;
>>> while ((str = scanner.findWithinHorizon(pattern, 0)) != null) {
>>> System.out.println(str);
>>> }
>>> then this loop would have the same problem if pattern were to match zero
>>> characters.
>>>> The alternative is to "fix" it, maybe as what Matcher.find() does, if the
>>>> previous match is
>>>> zero-width-match (the fist==last), we step one to the next cursor before next
>>>> try. I know
>>> Interesting, I didn't know Matcher.find() advances the cursor like this. But
>>> Scanner.findWithinHorizon() apparently doesn't, so that's why an infinite loop
>>> can occur.
>>>> Scanner.findPatternInBuffer() is setting new region set every time it is
>>>> invoked which makes
>>>> it complicated, but I would assume it might be still worth a trying? for
>>>> example, utilize the
>>>> "hasNextResult"/matcher.end(). I'm not sure without looking into the code, does
>>>> while (hasNext(pattern)) {
>>>> next(pattern);
>>>> }
>>>> have the same issue, when pattern matches 0-width?
>>> No, this doesn't have the problem, because hasNext(pat) and next(pat) match
>>> delimited tokens. Each call to next() implicitly advances past the next
>>> delimiter to reach the subsequent token, if any.
>>> On 3/30/17 8:56 AM, Timo Kinnunen wrote:
>>>> I guess this somewhat contrived example also wouldn’t work?
>>>> String s = "\\b\\w+|\\G|\\B";
>>>> String t = "Matcher m = Pattern.compile(s).matcher(t);\n";
>>>> Matcher m = Pattern.compile(s).matcher(t);
>>>> while(m.find()) {
>>>> System.out.println("'" + m.group() + "'");
>>>> }
>>> Right, so if you rewrote this loop to use Scanner.findWithinHorizon() instead of
>>> Matcher,
>>> Scanner sc = new Scanner(t);
>>> String str;
>>> while ((str = sc.findWithinHorizon(s, 0)) != null) {
>>> System.out.println("'" + str + "'");
>>> }
>>> you'd get an infinite loop with str being continually assigned the empty string.
>>> As Sherman mentioned, the Matcher.find() will advance the cursor if it gets a
>>> zero-width match, avoiding this problem.
>>> * * *
>>> This didn't come up in the code review thread, which was mostly about concurrent
>>> modification and late-binding of the spliterator:
>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2015-September/035034.html
>>> I remember noting this phenomenon a while back, which is why I had filed the bug
>>> to add a note. I seem to remember discussing it, though, but it might have been
>>> in a meeting or in a hallway conversation.
>>> This bug (JDK-8150488) does note that an infinite stream might be unexpected or
>>> surprising, but it's not a fatal problem. It can be terminated with limit(). It
>>> can also be terminated with takeWhile(), also added in JDK 9. Maybe I could
>>> mention these in the API note.
>>> I guess we could also consider changing the implicit findWithinHorizon() loop
>>> that findAll() does, perhaps by having it terminate on a zero-width match. Or we
>>> could even change findWithinHorizon's behavior if it gets a zero-width match,
>>> siilar to what Matcher.find() does. But I'm quite reluctant to start making such
>>> changes at this point.
>>> s'marks
>>>> // Outputs:
>>>> // 'Matcher'
>>>> // ''
>>>> // 'm'
>>>> // ''
>>>> // ''
>>>> // ''
>>>> // 'Pattern'
>>>> // ''
>>>> // 'compile'
>>>> // ''
>>>> // 's'
>>>> // ''
>>>> // ''
>>>> // 'matcher'
>>>> // ''
>>>> // 't'
>>>> // ''
>>>> // ''
>>>> // ''
>>>> // ''
>>>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>>>> From: Xueming Shen
>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 05:41
>>>> To: core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>>> Subject: Re: JDK 9 RFR(s): 8150488: add note to Scanner.findAll()
>>>> regardingpossible infinite streams
>>>> On 3/29/17, 5:56 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Please review these non-normative textual additions to the
>>>>> Scanner.findAll() method docs. These methods were added earlier in JDK
>>>>> 9; there's a small pitfall if the regex can match zero characters.
>>>> Stuart,
>>>> This might practically put the api itself almost useless? it might be an
>>>> easy task to spot
>>>> whether or not it's a 0-width-match-possible regex when the regex is
>>>> simple, but it gets
>>>> harder and harder, if not impossible when the regex gets complicated,
>>>> especially consider
>>>> the possible use scenario that the use site is embedded deeply inside a
>>>> library implementation.
>>>> The alternative is to "fix" it, maybe as what Matcher.find() does, if
>>>> the previous match is
>>>> zero-width-match (the fist==last), we step one to the next cursor before
>>>> next try. I know
>>>> Scanner.findPatternInBuffer() is setting new region set every time it is
>>>> invoked which makes
>>>> it complicated, but I would assume it might be still worth a trying? for
>>>> example, utilize the
>>>> "hasNextResult"/matcher.end(). I'm not sure without looking into the
>>>> code, does
>>>> while (hasNext(pattern)) {
>>>> next(pattern);
>>>> }
>>>> have the same issue, when pattern matches 0-width?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> -Sherman
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> s'marks
>>>>> # HG changeset patch
>>>>> # User smarks
>>>>> # Date 1490749958 25200
>>>>> # Tue Mar 28 18:12:38 2017 -0700
>>>>> # Node ID 6b43c4698752779793d58813f46d3687c17dde75
>>>>> # Parent fb54b256d751ae3191e9cef42ff9f5630931f047
>>>>> 8150488: add note to Scanner.findAll() regarding possible infinite
>>>>> streams
>>>>> Reviewed-by: XXX
>>>>> diff -r fb54b256d751 -r 6b43c4698752
>>>>> src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Scanner.java
>>>>> --- a/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Scanner.java Mon Mar 27
>>>>> 15:12:01 2017 -0700
>>>>> +++ b/src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/Scanner.java Tue Mar 28
>>>>> 18:12:38 2017 -0700
>>>>> @@ -2808,6 +2808,10 @@
>>>>> * }
>>>>> * }</pre>
>>>>> *
>>>>> + * <p>The pattern must always match at least one character. If
>>>>> the pattern
>>>>> + * can match zero characters, the result will be an infinite stream
>>>>> + * of empty matches.
>>>>> + *
>>>>> * @param pattern the pattern to be matched
>>>>> * @return a sequential stream of match results
>>>>> * @throws NullPointerException if pattern is null
>>>>> @@ -2829,6 +2833,11 @@
>>>>> * scanner.findAll(Pattern.compile(patString))
>>>>> * }</pre>
>>>>> *
>>>>> + * @apiNote
>>>>> + * The pattern must always match at least one character. If the
>>>>> pattern
>>>>> + * can match zero characters, the result will be an infinite stream
>>>>> + * of empty matches.
>>>>> + *
>>>>> * @param patString the pattern string
>>>>> * @return a sequential stream of match results
>>>>> * @throws NullPointerException if patString is null
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