RFR 8187222 : ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader not clear if recursive initialization leads to ISE or unspecified error

Brent Christian brent.christian at oracle.com
Sat Dec 2 00:46:10 UTC 2017

On 12/1/17 11:40 AM, Brent Christian wrote:
> On 12/1/17 8:33 AM, mandy chung wrote:
>>> Better still might be for initSystemClassLoader to re-throw the cause 
>>> so that it appears immediately after the "Error occurred during 
>>> initialization of VM" message that the VM will fail with.
>> Yes that would be better.
> So would I do this for RuntimeException and Error, and then package 
> checked types of causes in an Error, as Mandy suggested?  (We don't want 
> to throw a checked exception from initSystemClassLoader(), I don't think.)

Anyway, this is what that looks like (I did RuntimeException, but didn't 
bother with Error).  I also made the test changes that Mandy suggested.



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