FW: RFR(M): 8189102: All tools should support -?, -h and --help
Lindenmaier, Goetz
goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com
Thu Dec 7 11:20:40 UTC 2017
... missed some lists in my first post ...
I prepared a fifth webrev for this change. Please review.
It incorporates the changes requested by the CSR reviewers
(not to remove docuemtation of '-help' where is was documented
before) and the changes proposed by Kumar:
See also the information in the webrev itself, there are also patch files
with the incremental builds.
This change contains fixes for some langtool tests.
I ran the following test suites on it:
hotspot, jdk, langtools, nashorn, jaxp, most of them on
all the platforms we build.
Best regards,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lindenmaier, Goetz
> Sent: Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2017 22:07
> To: hotspot-dev developers <hotspot-dev at openjdk.java.net>
> Subject: RFR(M): 8189102: All tools should support -?, -h and --help
> Hi
> The tools in jdk should all show the same behavior wrt. help flags.
> This change normalizes the help flags of a row of the tools in the jdk.
> Java accepts -?, -h and --help, thus I changed the tools to support
> these, too. Some tools exited with '1' after displaying the help message,
> I turned this to '0'.
> Maybe this is not the right mailing list for this, please advise.
> Please review this change. I please need a sponsor.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~goetz/wr17/8189102-helpMessage/webrev.01/
> In detail, this fixes the help message of the following tools:
> jar -? -h --help; added -?.
> jarsigner -? -h --help; added --help. -help accepted but not documented.
> javac -? --help; added -?. Removed -help. -h is taken for other purpose
> javadoc -? -h --help; added -h -?. Removed -help
> javap -? -h --help; added -h. -help accepted but no more documented.
> jcmd -? -h --help; added -? --help. -help accepted but no more
> documented. Changed return value to '0'
> jdb -? -h --help; added -? -h --help. -help accepted but no more
> documented.
> jdeprscan -? -h --help; added -?
> jinfo -? -h --help; added -? --help. -help accepted but no more
> documented.
> jjs -h --help; Replaced -help by --help. Adding more not straight
> forward.
> jps -? -h --help; added -? --help. -help accepted but no more
> documented.
> jshell -? -h --help; added -?
> jstat -? -h --help; added -h --help. -help accepted but no more
> documented.
> Best regards,
> Goetz.
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