RFR 4358774: Add null InputStream and OutputStream

Sergey Bylokhov Sergey.Bylokhov at oracle.com
Sat Dec 9 01:06:49 UTC 2017

On 08/12/2017 16:49, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
> I agree it looks strange but it is intentional as it matches the 
> existing InputStream.read(byte[],int,in) [1]. (I will remove line 167 as 
> part of this patch.) Note that the IOE for the stream being closed would 
> not be thrown in the current code until line 173.

Yes it is match the behavior, but both have a different specifications:
In the old methods there is a notion: "<p> If <code>len</code> is zero, 
then no bytes are read and <code>0</code> is returned;" but in the new 
method we have only one strong statement: "After the stream has been 
closed, these methods all throw {@code IOException}."

Best regards, Sergey.

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