Ping: [JAXP] RFR: 8173602: TESTBUG: javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/transform/ needs refactoring

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at
Fri Feb 3 13:55:44 UTC 2017

Hi Christoph,

No objections.

best regards,

-- daniel

On 03/02/17 13:01, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> thanks for taking care of this.
> As for the pretty printing: That's not something which is explicitly tested here. I think it was me who introduced this for new tests I had added. I found it quite useful when analyzing test results. So now with the public APIs I guess this code is more independent and portable to other Java versions.
> I was only looking at JDK9 with that so far. My understanding was that pushing test fixes is still ok. Let me know if you have objections.
> Best regards
> Christoph
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Daniel Fuchs [mailto:daniel.fuchs at]
>> Sent: Freitag, 3. Februar 2017 13:54
>> To: Langer, Christoph <christoph.langer at>; core-libs-
>> dev at
>> Subject: Re: Ping: [JAXP] RFR: 8173602: TESTBUG:
>> javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/transform/ needs refactoring
>> Hi Christoph,
>> I had a look at your patch, it seems OK.
>> I didn't know that testng supported @Test
>> annotations on methods of inner classes, but
>> that looks useful.
>> The patch is a bit difficult to review because the diff
>> seems a bit lost sometime - but as far as I could see
>> what was there before seems to be there after too :-)
>> I noticed you changed the calls for pretty-printing
>> the results - using public APIs now. Hopefully that
>> doesn't matter to test (I mean that's hopefully not
>> what the test was testing).
>> I ran your new test locally on my machine, and sent it
>> through our test system as well, and everything passed,
>> so I guess that's a +1 for me.
>> Will you push that to the new 10 forest or did you
>> plan to push it in 9?
>> best regards,
>> -- daniel
>> On 03/02/17 10:11, Langer, Christoph wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Ping - anyone out there who could have a look at my JAXP test update?
>>> Thanks
>>> Christoph
>>> From: Langer, Christoph
>>> Sent: Montag, 30. Januar 2017 15:28
>>> To: core-libs-dev at
>>> Subject: [JAXP] RFR: 8173602: TESTBUG:
>> javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/transform/ needs refactoring
>>> Hi,
>>> please review a test fix for
>> javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/transform/
>>> Bug:
>>> Webrev:
>>> The main motivation for this refactoring is to remove the dependency to the
>> JDK internal classes
>> and
>>> Generally, contains several subtests which do similar
>> things (test XALAN transformations) but the implementations differ. I created a
>> common template with helper methods which all tests take advantage of now. I
>> also introduced data sources to some tests to make them more readable and
>> adaptable.
>>> Thanks
>>> Christoph

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