SubmissionPublisher - Subscriber#onComplete() not invoked when publisher is closed
Michael McMahon
michael.x.mcmahon at
Tue Feb 21 11:37:50 UTC 2017
On 21/02/2017, 11:15, Pavel Rappo wrote:
> I believe, the most appropriate place for concurrency-related questions is
> As for the question itself. I don't think this behaviour is a bug.
> SubmissionPublisher.close() seems to be a graceful way of shutting down (in
> contrast with SubmissionPublisher.closeExceptionally()), akin to putting a EOF
> on an input stream.
> My reading of the javadoc is that after SubmissionPublisher.close has been
> invoked, the publisher will no longer accept any attempts to publish items and
> will call Subscriber.onClose() *eventually*.
Yes, you are right. You can close the SubmissionPublisher, then
call Subscription.request() and then receive notification of the item.
- Michael.
>> On 21 Feb 2017, at 09:24, Pavel Bucek<pavel.bucek at> wrote:
>> there is a formatting issue in the code snippet, publisher.close() should be on the new line:
>> {
>> SubmissionPublisher<String> publisher =new SubmissionPublisher<>();
>> publisher.subscribe(new Flow.Subscriber<String>() {
>> @Override public void onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription subscription) { }
>> @Override public void onNext(String item) { }
>> @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
>> System.out.println("onError()");
>> }
>> @Override public void onComplete() {
>> System.out.println("onComplete()");
>> }
>> });
>> publisher.submit("item");// if this is commented out, #onComplete is invoked.
>> publisher.close();
>> }
>> On 21/02/2017 10:16, Pavel Bucek wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> firstly - please let me know if this is is a wrong place to send this; I wasn't able to find list specific to concurrency.
>>> Consider following example:
>>> {
>>> SubmissionPublisher<String> publisher =new SubmissionPublisher<>();
>>> publisher.subscribe(new Flow.Subscriber<String>() {
>>> @Override public void onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription subscription) { }
>>> @Override public void onNext(String item) { }
>>> @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
>>> System.out.println("onError()");
>>> }
>>> @Override public void onComplete() {
>>> System.out.println("onComplete()");
>>> }
>>> });
>>> publisher.submit("item");// if this is commented out, #onComplete is invoked. publisher.close();
>>> }
>>> I'd expect that Subscriber#onComplete is invoked after calling publisher.close(), but it is not happening. Curiously, when I comment out 'publisher.submit("item")', Subscriber#onComplete is indeed invoked.
>>> SubmissionPublisher#close() javadoc says:
>>> /** * Unless already closed, issues {@link * Flow.Subscriber#onComplete() onComplete} signals to current * subscribers, and disallows subsequent attempts to publish. * Upon return, this method does<em>NOT</em>guarantee that all * subscribers have yet completed. */
>>> So it seems like it will be invoked in different thread or something like that, but it is not invoked ever (or more precisely - not during 10 second after the publisher is closed. There is nothing else running on that particular jvm instance).
>>> Also, publisher#isClosed() returns true and publisher#getNumberOfSubscribers() returns 0.
>>> I'm using Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9-ea+157-jigsaw-nightly-h6115-20170219)
>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>> Thanks and regards, Pavel
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