Review Request JDK-8170772: ResourceBundle improper caching causes tools/javadoc tests intermittently

Naoto Sato naoto.sato at
Mon Jan 9 15:58:18 UTC 2017

On 1/6/17 10:57 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi Mandy, Naoto,
> I think Mandy's original proposal has been pushed, but the
> simplification of CacheKey is still open:
> as well as the re-examination of clearCahe methods:
> Were you thinking of those two issues Naoto?

Yes. That was my intent.


> Regards, Peter
> On 01/07/2017 05:41 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>> Thanks for looking through this, Naoto.
>> This has been pushed and resolved in jdk-9+149.
>> Mandy
>>> On Jan 6, 2017, at 3:46 PM, Naoto Sato <naoto.sato at> wrote:
>>> Hi Peter, Daniel, Mandy,
>>> Sorry for the late reply, and thanks for the patch. I went through the patch and I did not find any problem with it. Would you want to proceed with this?
>>> Naoto
>>> On 12/13/16 2:14 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>> This is a bold proposal, I would be frightened to touch at
>>>> this code :-)
>>>> Good observations about the simplifications induced by taking
>>>> the caller's module as part of the cache key (in particular
>>>> getting rid of RBClassLoader.INSTANCE).
>>>> I have imported your patch (had to fight a bit because it
>>>> includes changes that had already been pushed) and sent it
>>>> through our internal testing system - and haven't seen any
>>>> new failures that seemed linked to resource bundles.
>>>> A few observations concerning CacheKey - if I'm not mistaken
>>>> most of the key variables could be made final (in particular
>>>> callerRef and moduleRef) - and since they are required to be
>>>> non null - then getModule() and getCallerModule() could be
>>>> simplified. Not sure whether  making those final might require
>>>> to add a copy constructor to support clone() though?
>>>> It seems CacheKey::setName is never called - but it's probably
>>>> safer to keep it (maybe it's called by tests).
>>>> I am not an expert of ResourceBundle - though I had to dive
>>>> into it a few times due it's use in logging. Hopefully others
>>>> will jump on this.
>>>> best regards,
>>>> -- daniel
>>>> On 12/12/16 15:10, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mandy (once again for the list),
>>>>> On 12/09/2016 05:49 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>>>>> Naoto,  > > Can you review this ResourceBundle caching fix?  The
>>>>>> caller module
>>>>>> may be different than the specified module to >
>>>>> ResourceBundle.getBundle(String, Module) method and it should also >
>>>>> part of the cache key. > >
>>>>> > >
>>>>> The new test shows the issue there and the first loading of the >
>>>>> resource bundle of a specific module (success or fail) will be put in >
>>>>> the cache and used by subsequent calls. > > Thanks Mandy
>>>>> I think that now callerModule is part of CacheKey, caching logic could
>>>>> be simplified. 1st the getBundleImpl method in line 1629:
>>>>>    private static ResourceBundle getBundleImpl(String baseName,
>>>>>                                                Locale locale,
>>>>>                                                Class<?> caller,
>>>>>                                                ClassLoader loader,
>>>>>                                                Control control) {
>>>>>        if (caller != null && caller.getModule().isNamed()) {
>>>>>            Module module = caller.getModule();
>>>>>            ClassLoader ml = getLoader(module);
>>>>>            // get resource bundles for a named module only
>>>>>            // if loader is the module's class loader
>>>>>            if (loader == ml || (ml == null && loader ==
>>>>> RBClassLoader.INSTANCE)) {
>>>>>                return getBundleImpl(module, module, loader, baseName,
>>>>> locale, control);
>>>>>            }
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        // find resource bundles from unnamed module
>>>>>        Module unnamedModule = loader != null
>>>>>            ? loader.getUnnamedModule()
>>>>>            : ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getUnnamedModule();
>>>>>        if (caller == null) {
>>>>>            throw new InternalError("null caller");
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        Module callerModule = caller.getModule();
>>>>>        return getBundleImpl(callerModule, unnamedModule, loader,
>>>>> baseName, locale, control);
>>>>>    }
>>>>> ... could be cleaned up a bit without changing its semantics:
>>>>>    private static ResourceBundle getBundleImpl(String baseName,
>>>>>                                                Locale locale,
>>>>>                                                Class<?> caller,
>>>>>                                                ClassLoader loader,
>>>>>                                                Control control) {
>>>>>        if (caller == null) {
>>>>>            throw new InternalError("null caller");
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        Module callerModule = caller.getModule();
>>>>>        if (callerModule.isNamed()) {
>>>>>            ClassLoader ml = getLoader(callerModule);
>>>>>            // get resource bundles for a named module only
>>>>>            // if loader is the module's class loader
>>>>>            if (loader == ml || (ml == null && loader ==
>>>>> RBClassLoader.INSTANCE)) {
>>>>>                return getBundleImpl(callerModule, callerModule, loader,
>>>>> baseName, locale, control);
>>>>>            }
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        // find resource bundles from unnamed module
>>>>>        Module unnamedModule = loader != null
>>>>>            ? loader.getUnnamedModule()
>>>>>            : ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getUnnamedModule();
>>>>>        return getBundleImpl(callerModule, unnamedModule, loader,
>>>>> baseName, locale, control);
>>>>>    }
>>>>> Next, I checked all callers of this method (there are 3 of them in
>>>>> lines: 1367, 1589, 1615) and all of them guard against passing a null
>>>>> 'loader' to this method:
>>>>>    @CallerSensitive
>>>>>    public static ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Locale
>>>>> locale,
>>>>>                                           ClassLoader loader)
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        if (loader == null) {
>>>>>            throw new NullPointerException();
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
>>>>>        return getBundleImpl(baseName, locale, caller, loader,
>>>>> getDefaultControl(caller, baseName));
>>>>>    }
>>>>> ...
>>>>>    @CallerSensitive
>>>>>    public static ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Locale
>>>>> targetLocale,
>>>>>                                           ClassLoader loader, Control
>>>>> control) {
>>>>>        if (loader == null || control == null) {
>>>>>            throw new NullPointerException();
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
>>>>>        checkNamedModule(caller);
>>>>>        return getBundleImpl(baseName, targetLocale, caller, loader,
>>>>> control);
>>>>>    }
>>>>> ...
>>>>>    private static ResourceBundle getBundleImpl(String baseName,
>>>>>                                                Locale locale,
>>>>>                                                Class<?> caller,
>>>>>                                                Control control) {
>>>>>        return getBundleImpl(baseName, locale, caller,
>>>>> getLoader(caller), control);
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    private static ClassLoader getLoader(Class<?> caller) {
>>>>>        ClassLoader cl = caller == null ? null : caller.getClassLoader();
>>>>>        if (cl == null) {
>>>>>            // When the caller's loader is the boot class loader, cl is
>>>>> null
>>>>>            // here. In that case, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() may
>>>>>            // return the same class loader that the application is
>>>>>            // using. We therefore use a wrapper ClassLoader to create a
>>>>>            // separate scope for bundles loaded on behalf of the Java
>>>>>            // runtime so that these bundles cannot be returned from the
>>>>>            // cache to the application (5048280).
>>>>>            cl = RBClassLoader.INSTANCE;
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        return cl;
>>>>>    }
>>>>> Therefore the above method can be simplified further:
>>>>>    private static ResourceBundle getBundleImpl(String baseName,
>>>>>                                                Locale locale,
>>>>>                                                Class<?> caller,
>>>>>                                                ClassLoader loader,
>>>>>                                                Control control) {
>>>>>        if (caller == null) {
>>>>>            throw new InternalError("null caller");
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        if (loader == null) {
>>>>>            throw new InternalError("null loader");
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        Module callerModule = caller.getModule();
>>>>>        if (callerModule.isNamed()) {
>>>>>            ClassLoader ml = getLoader(callerModule);
>>>>>            // get resource bundles for a named module only
>>>>>            // if loader is the module's class loader
>>>>>            if (loader == ml || (ml == null && loader ==
>>>>> RBClassLoader.INSTANCE)) {
>>>>>                return getBundleImpl(callerModule, callerModule, loader,
>>>>> baseName, locale, control);
>>>>>            }
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        // find resource bundles from unnamed module
>>>>>        Module unnamedModule = loader.getUnnamedModule();
>>>>>        return getBundleImpl(callerModule, unnamedModule, loader,
>>>>> baseName, locale, control);
>>>>>    }
>>>>> we can see that (callerModule, module, loader) triple passed to
>>>>> downstream getBundleImpl is either (callerModule, callerModule,
>>>>> callerModule's class loader) - with a RBClassLoader.INSTANCE substitute
>>>>> for bootstrap class loader, when the callerModule is a named module and
>>>>> requested loader is the callerModule's loader, or (callerModule,
>>>>> loader's unnamed module, loader) when loader is not callerModule's
>>>>> loader or callerModule is unnamed.
>>>>> other two callers of the downstream getBundleImpl are the
>>>>> JavaUtilResourceBundleAccess method:
>>>>>                public ResourceBundle getBundle(String baseName, Locale
>>>>> locale, Module module) {
>>>>>                    // use the given module as the caller to bypass the
>>>>> access check
>>>>>                    return getBundleImpl(module, module,
>>>>> getLoader(module),
>>>>>                                         baseName, locale,
>>>>> Control.INSTANCE);
>>>>>                }
>>>>> ...which is used in logging - the module passed here can be either named
>>>>> or unnamed;
>>>>> ... and a method invoked from new JDK 9 public getBundle() methods
>>>>> taking explicit Module argument:
>>>>>    private static ResourceBundle getBundleFromModule(Class<?> caller,
>>>>>                                                      Module module,
>>>>>                                                      String baseName,
>>>>>                                                      Locale locale,
>>>>>                                                      Control control) {
>>>>>        Objects.requireNonNull(module);
>>>>>        Module callerModule = caller.getModule();
>>>>>        if (callerModule != module) {
>>>>>            SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
>>>>>            if (sm != null) {
>>>>>                sm.checkPermission(GET_CLASSLOADER_PERMISSION);
>>>>>            }
>>>>>        }
>>>>>        return getBundleImpl(callerModule, module, getLoader(module),
>>>>> baseName, locale, control);
>>>>>    }
>>>>> In all of these cases, the loader passed to downstream getBundleImpl is
>>>>> the module's (2nd argument 'module') class loader (or a special
>>>>> substitute for bootstrap loader).
>>>>> Considering all this, I think class loader is not needed any more as the
>>>>> CacheKey component. The distinction between scopes of system class
>>>>> loader (when the caller is not a bootstrap class) and the
>>>>> RBClassLoader.INSTANCE (when the caller is the bootstrap class) is also
>>>>> not needed any more since the callerModule is now part of CacheKey.
>>>>> I modified your patch (just to include all these
>>>>> simplifications and some cleanup:
>>>>> This modification also contains a re-interpretation of clearCache()
>>>>> methods. Both existing clearCahe() methods together with the additional
>>>>> @since 9 method contain the following wording:
>>>>> "Removes all resource bundles from the cache that have been loaded by
>>>>> the caller's / given module..."
>>>>> What does it meant for a bundle to be loaded *by* some module? I think
>>>>> the right interpretation is that this is the caller module (the one that
>>>>> invokes ResourceBundle.getBundle() method). The module that calls
>>>>> ResourceBundle.getBundle() is usually also the module that is
>>>>> responsible for clearing the cache of entries that were cached by its
>>>>> loading requests, isn't it?
>>>>> So, what do you think?
>>>>> Regards, Peter

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