RFR: JDK-8172432,jar cleanup/update for module and mrm jar

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at oracle.com
Mon Jan 9 18:21:20 UTC 2017


Please review the following proposed changes for jar tool

issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8172432
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/8172432/webrev

(1) move the "packages" and "jarEntries" from "global" to "local", and 
only collect
the  info when needed (if there is a module-info and we indeed need 
these info
to update the module-info.class). The goal is to avoid/reduce any 
possible performance
regression/impact to those"non-module" jar file creation and update 
The proposed implementation now collects such info after "expand()" for 
if there is "module-info.class". For "update" it is done during the 

(2) consolidate all "validation" related implementation into 
Validator.java. The
"concealedPkgs" now is generated from the base 'module-info.class" from the
resulting temporary jar file directly, instead of the 
"module-info.class" binary during
the creation/update. Again, the reasoning is that the "validation" is 
only needed
for the mr module jar (for now), it is not needed for a "normal" module 
jar file.
A clear separation helps reducing the performance impact and improving the

(3) remove the "checkModuleInfos" logic/implementation, which 
incorrectly enforces
the restriction such as
     a) there must always be, at least, a root module-info, when there 
is an entry that
         has a name ended up with "module-info.class" in the jar file.
     b) module-info.class file can only be at root or a versioned 
folder. (why I can't jar
         a foo.jar that has a entry module-info.class at an arbitrary 

(4) consolidate and share the "updateModuleInfo()" for both creation and 

(5) no longer always copy the "mainClass" and "version" attributes from 
the root
module-info.class into the corresponding versioned module-info.class 
(in extendedInfoBytes()). Instead, the difference between the root 
and its versioned copy is checked, jar fails if there is inconsistence.

(6) clean up the Entry class and the expand() implementation. It appears 
the Entry
class might not be absolutely necessary, but I keep it as is for now.

(7) build the jar with -XDstringConcat=inline flag.


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