RFR: JDK-8172432,jar cleanup/update for module and mrm jar

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at oracle.com
Tue Jan 10 01:28:07 UTC 2017

Thanks Mandy!

webrev has been updated accordingly.


On 1/9/17, 3:46 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> This is a good cleanup.  This makes it easier to add any further 
> validation such as JDK-8171830.
> Main.java
>  693                     warn("unexpected versioned entry: " + name);

added a jar.properties entry for this.

> Should this message be localized?
> 1870     private static boolean isModuleInfoEntry(String name) {
> 1871         // root or versioned module-info.class
> 1872         return name.endsWith(MODULE_INFO)&&
> 1873             (name.length() == MODULE_INFO.length() || name.startsWith(VERSIONS_DIR));
> This should return true if it starts with VERSIONS_DIR and the entry 
> with “/module-info.class"

the method has been updated as Paul suggested, to only take the root 
and correct versioned   meta-inf/versions/n/module-info.class

> Validator.java
>  314             } catch (Exception x) {}

return "error" now, if there is an exception.
> Would it be better to report the error if any exception thrown rather 
> than silently swallowing it?

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