Guaranteed order of annotations?
Gunnar Morling
gunnar at
Wed Jan 18 07:26:31 UTC 2017
Joseph, all,
Thanks for the clarification.
Are there chances to establish such guaranteed ordering in a future
Java version? As pointed out, it'd be very helpful to Bean Validation
and I reckon other cases, too.
2017-01-18 3:13 GMT+01:00 Joseph D. Darcy <joe.darcy at>:
> Hello,
> Following up on Joel's message, IIRC this ordering issue did come up during
> the design and testing of repeating annotations.
> As noted previously in the thread, while the ordering of the annotations in
> a container annotation is guaranteed, there is *not* a general ordering
> constraint on the annotations returned by the methods of the
> AnnotatedElement interface.
> HTH,
> -Joe
> On 1/13/2017 1:16 PM, Gunnar Morling wrote:
>> Hi Yuri,
>> Thanks for the pointer.
>> But do you see any clear description of an order mandated for
>> getDeclaredAnnotations()? The only references to an order I can find
>> there are for repeatable annotations (where source code order is
>> maintained when retrieving them via the container annotation type).
>> But I cannot find any guaranteed order when obtaining all declared
>> annotations from an element.
>> The reason why I'm asking is Bean Validation, where we've seen
>> requests of people that wish to validate the constraints of an element
>> in a fixed order, aborting after the first failed constraint:
>> @NotNull
>> @Email
>> String email;
>> Here one may want to first validate @NotNull and don't proceed with
>> validating @Email if the field is null.
>> Relying on source order would be a very natural way to express the
>> order of constraints. Without a guaranteed ordering of annotations
>> we'd have to add some other means of ordering, e.g. an attribute with
>> the index (@NotNull(order=0) @Email(order=1)) which is more verbose of
>> course.
>> --Gunnar
>> 2017-01-13 21:15 GMT+01:00 Yuri Gaevsky <ygaevsky at>:
>>> Hi Gunnar,
>>> Please take a look at JDK-8010679 'Clarify "present" and annotation
>>> ordering in Core Reflection for Annotations' [*].
>>> Best regards,
>>> -Yuri
>>> [*]
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: core-libs-dev [mailto:core-libs-dev-bounces at] On
>>> Behalf Of Gunnar Morling
>>> Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 08:14 PM
>>> To: core-libs-dev at
>>> Subject: Guaranteed order of annotations?
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there any order guaranteed in which an element's annotations are
>>> returned by AnnotatedElement#getDeclaredAnnotations()? Specifically,
>>> is this the order in which the annotations are given in the source
>>> code?
>>> Section 9.7.5. of the JLS ("Multiple Annotations of the Same Type")
>>> makes a statement of the source order being considered by the array of
>>> the implicit container annotation created for a repeatable annotation
>>> ("[...] all the base annotations in the left-to-right order in which
>>> they appeared in the context").
>>> But I couldn't find any authoritative description on the ordering
>>> behaviour of getDeclaredAnnotations(). Should we assume that we cannot
>>> rely on the order in the source?
>>> Thanks for any pointers,
>>> --Gunnar
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