[JAXP] RFR: 8173260: CatalogManager.catalogResolver should not fail when non-existing URI is passed to it

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Thu Jan 26 11:29:36 UTC 2017


Please find below a fix for

8173260: CatalogManager.catalogResolver should not fail
          when non-existing URI is passed to it

The specification for CatalogManager.catalogResolver and
CatalogManager.catalog says that invalid catalog entries
will be ignored.

However, this is not what happens when a catalog is created
with an URI that points to a file (or jar) which does not exist.
In that case, instead of ignoring the catalog entry,
an IllegalArgumentException is thrown, even if the URL itself is

This fix proposes to simply remove the special case that
the implementation makes for file or jar URLs.

is updated to reflect this change.


best regards,

-- daniel

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