Proposal: java.lang.reflect.Proxy and default methods

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Thu Mar 2 08:28:35 UTC 2017

On 01/03/2017 21:14, mp911de wrote:

> Is there any progress on this issue? In the light of Java 9, the workaround
> with
> MethodHandles.lookup()/unreflectSpecial does not work anymore because
> MethodHandles is encapsulated and calling setAccessible(true) on the
> constructor fails.
> Resolving method handles inside the same module seems to work with public
> lookup,
> but as soon as a module defines an interface with default methods and this
> interface is called by a proxy handler that comes from a different module,
> it's
> no longer possible to resolve the MethodHandle.
> Is this the appropriate mailing list for this case?
I assume you are looking for the "Non-abstract methods in interfaces" 
section in JEP 274 [1]. See also John Rose's note to jigsaw-dev about 
using Lookup.findSpecial to access default methods in interfaces [2].



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