Is @deprecated javadoc comment still useful?

Weijun Wang at
Wed Mar 8 10:38:08 UTC 2017

Hi Remi

On 03/08/2017 06:10 PM, Remi Forax wrote:
> attachments are skipped by the mailer daemon :(

That's bad.

The module page has:

*Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a 
future version.*
The policytool tool has been deprecated and is planned to be removed in 
a future release.

The class page has:

*Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a 
future version.*
The policytool tool has been deprecated and is planned to be removed in 
a future release.

The first lines are *bold*.

> Usually, the annotation @Deprecated says that the class/member/etc is deprecated, and the javadoc @deprecated indicates how to fix the issue by by example providing a replacement.

But here I have nothing to say.

So, can I just write a bare @deprecated?


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