JDK 10 RFR of 8180767: A return value of zero from java.io.File#lastModified() is ambiguous
Stuart Marks
stuart.marks at oracle.com
Tue May 23 20:34:50 UTC 2017
On 5/23/17 8:03 AM, Brian Burkhalter wrote:
> Or perhaps per Alan’s comments below change the current wording
> Where it is required to distinguish an I/O exception from the case where 0L is returned, or where several attributes of the same file are required at the same time, or where the time of last access or the creation time are required, then the Files.readAttributes method may be used.
> to
> Where it is required to distinguish an I/O exception from the case where 0L is returned, or where several attributes of the same file are required at the same time, or where the time of last access or the creation time are required, then the Files.readAttributes method may be used, or Files.getLastModifiedTime() if only this timestamp is needed.
> ?
> I think it’s come down to either this just resolve it without change.
Yes, this could be another non-normative change. You might even consider merging
it with the other bug (JDK-6791812), and possibly even labeling it as @apiNote.
As for the wording itself, I think the sentiment is correct, but it's trying to
pack a bit too much into a single sentence. Breaking it into two sentences would
probably be helpful.
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