Change in properties for logging: deliberate?

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at
Thu Nov 9 17:48:40 UTC 2017

Hi Jeremy,

I'm afraid I don't have a timeline at this point, but I will
try having a look at the issue in the next couple of days.

best regards,

-- daniel

On 09/11/2017 17:42, Jeremy Manson wrote:
> Thanks, Daniel.  That is the issue.  I probably should have described it 
> more clearly.
> Do you have a sense of a fix timeline?  If there is a relatively prompt 
> fix, I can backport it to our internal build instead of introducing 
> churn in our many, many logging configuration files.  If it is likely to 
> be a long time, I'll go ahead and change the logging configs.
> Jeremy

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