RFR: 8187033: [PPC] Imporve performance of ObjectStreamClass.getClassDataLayout()

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 10:21:41 UTC 2017

Hi Ogata,

Thanks, I'll try with a Java equivalent of below structure. I can change 
it later if needed. Stay tuned...

Regards, Peter

On 09/21/2017 11:39 AM, Kazunori Ogata wrote:
> Hi Peter,
>> If you could extract from
>> the benchmark just the approximate shape of the data structure and
>> typical values it contains, I could create a JMH benchmark that tests
>> just that part. Which would be appropriate to tune serialization code.
> My colleague investigated the objects serialized/deserialized in the
> benchmark.  He found there are several types of object trees, and one of
> the largest object tree looks like (in Scala types):
> scala.Tuple2[1]
>   `-scala.Tuple2
>      +-Int
>      `-scala.Tuple2
>         +-org.apache.spark.ml.tree.ContinuousSplit
>         |  +-Int
>         |  `-Boolean
>         `-org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model.ImpurityStats
>            +-Double
>            +-Double
>            +-org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.impurity.VarianceCalculator
>            |  `-Double[3]
>            +-org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.impurity.VarianceCalculator
>            |  `-Double[3]
>            +-org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.impurity.VarianceCalculator
>            |  `-Double[3]
>            `-Boolean
> Now the question is how the Java classes (including class hierarchy) look
> like because Scala types may need extra boxing/unboxing (though I'm not
> confident).  I'll try to decompile .class files generated from the scala
> code and find the real Java types.
> Regards,
> Ogata

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