RFR JDK-8185582, Update Zip implementation to use Cleaner, not finalizers

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at oracle.com
Wed Sep 27 23:41:25 UTC 2017

Thanks Mandy!

I removed the ln#657-#663, and updated the @apiNote in deflter, inflater
and zipfile accordingly, mainly combined your comment and the approach
for the fis/fo. they are "simpler" and straightforward now, at least for me.



On 9/27/17, 3:08 PM, mandy chung wrote:
> Comment on the CSR:
> On 9/26/17 11:35 PM, Xueming Shen wrote:
>> csr: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8187485
> I think the @apiNote can be simpler.
> Deflater (similar comment for Inflater)
> |  * @apiNote
>   * In earlier versions, the {@link Object#finalize} method was overridden
>   * to call the {@link #end} method when a {@code Deflater} object
>   * becomes unreachable.
>   * The {@link #finalize} method is no longer defined.  If a subclass
>   * overrides||the {@code end} method, the overridden {@code end} method
>   * is no longer invoked.
>   *<p>
>   * It is strongly recommended to explicitly call {@code end} to
> ||  * discard any unprocessed input promptly to free up resources
> |  * when|||the compressor|is no longer in use.|
> |ZipFile
>   * @apiNote
> |  * In earlier versions, the {@link Object#finalize} method was overridden
>   * to call the {@link #close} method when a {@code ZipFile} object
>   * becomes unreachable.|
> |  * The {@link #finalize} method is no longer defined.  If a subclass
>   * overrides||the {@code close} method, the overridden {@code close} method
>   * is no longer invoked.|
>   *<p>
> |  * The recommended cleanup for|||{@code ZipFile}|  is to explicitly call {@code close}
>   * or use try-with-resources.|
>   657      *<p>
>   658      * Since the time when the resources held by this object will be released
>   659      * is undetermined, if this method is not invoked explicitly, it is strongly
>   660      * recommended that applications invoke this method as soon they have
>   661      * finished accessing this {@code ZipFile}. This will prevent holding up
>   662      * system resources for an undetermined length of time.
>   663      *<p>
> I would suggest to drop this paragraph.  @apiNote and @implNote in
> class spec cover that.
> Mandy
> || 

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