RFR : 8202322: AIX: symbol visibility flags not support on xlc 12.1

Baesken, Matthias matthias.baesken at sap.com
Thu Apr 26 14:13:38 UTC 2018

Hello  ,  could you please review this small adjustment to  the symbol visibility compilation settings on AIX ?
Currently  we use  XLC 12.1  to compile  JDK on AIX .

However XLC 12.1   does not support  the "-qvisibility=hidden"  setting currently set on AIX.
It was introduced with  XLC 13.1 . Christoph found some info about it here :


Setting it  only generates  hundreds  of warnings  in the build log , warnings look like this :

bash-4.4$ xlC -qversion
IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V12.1 (5765-J02, 5725-C72)
Version: 12.01.0000.0019

bash-4.4$ xlC -qvisibility=hidden sizeof.c -o sizeof_aixxlc
1506-173 (W) Option visibility=hidden is not valid. Enter xlC for list of valid options.

Compare to XLC13.1

bash-3.00$ xlC -qversion
IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V13.1 (5725-C72, 5765-J07)
Version: 13.01.0000.0008
bash-3.00$ xlC -qvisibility=default sizeof.c -o sizeof_aixxlc
bash-3.00$ xlC -qvisibility=hidden sizeof.c -o sizeof_aixxlc

So it is better to avoid  setting these flags when using xlc12.1   .
Please review :

Bug :


Change :


Best regards, Matthias

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