Removing the Barrier

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Wed Aug 15 17:43:46 UTC 2018

The javadoc comments in public API are a requirement in OpenJDK and can 
not be removed. This is the OpenJDK project policy. If you want to 
extend OpenJDK you have to add the comments. And not only comments. New 
public API may be added to OpenJDK only after passing the special 
process called CSR:

So if your schedule doesn't allow you to add comments, I would not 
venture into adding new public API to OpenJDK as it is much more work 
than just adding comments...

Regards, Peter

On 08/15/2018 05:20 PM, mr rupplin wrote:
> Can you explain how to remove the requirement for comments in the OpenJDK build in the Java source files?  It's really killing my schedule to have to reinsert comments by hand.
> Thanks.
> Max R.
> Software Developer

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