RFR: 8214712: Archive Attributes$Name.KNOWN_NAMES

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Dec 4 07:42:21 UTC 2018

On 03/12/2018 16:50, Claes Redestad wrote:
> :
> The extra Names added to KNOWN_NAMES was my doing, and it was based on 
> commonly used attributes in Jar file manifests scanned from a set 
> commonly used applications as an alternative to building up a Name 
> cache dynamically (which is frought with other perils). The chose 
> extras gave a marginal but measurable improvement in startup to a wide 
> array of applications as a result, and their inclusion is strictly an 
> internal implementation detail. If you insist on having them removed I 
> won't object, but I believe it's an harmless optimization.
There are several non-standard and tool/library specify attribute name 
in this list, many should not be interesting to libraries on either the 
class path or module path. So I think we should look at pruning that 
list. Ideally it would like just standard and JDK-specific attributes as 
they are the only attributes that the JDK knows about.


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