CSR for posix_spawn on JDK 12

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Dec 5 11:14:17 UTC 2018

On 05/12/2018 11:02, David Holmes wrote:
> :
> That said this particular property doesn't seem to actually be 
> documented directly. No mention of it in the Process API that I can 
> see. It seems a semi-secret means of influencing the implementation. 
> So I can understand there can be some confusion here.
Documenting JDK-specific and platform specific configuration has always 
been problematic. Many of the Sun era guides and documentation are dusty 
now and aren't easy to find. We have used release notes in recent 
releases but they aren't always easy to find either. With @implNote 
descriptions, @index and more recently @systemProperty, they we have a 
set of tags that should help put some of this JDK-specific documentation 
into the javadoc.


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