RFR: JDK-8215217: OpenJDK Source Has Too Many Swear Words

joe darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Tue Dec 11 23:09:10 UTC 2018

On 12/11/2018 1:52 PM, mark.reinhold at oracle.com wrote:
> 2018/12/11 7:03:57 -0800, adam.farley at uk.ibm.com:
>> I've spotted 12 instances of swear words in OpenJDK source comments, and
>> it seems appropriate to remove them.
>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8215217
> (webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~afarley/8215217/webrev/)
>> I've created a webrev and attached to the bug.
>> Also, I've mentioned in the bug that there are additional swears in more
>> excusable locations. It would be good to get the community's take on
>> those.
> It also would be good to discuss the instances that you’ve proposed
> to change in your patch.
> I can certainly see removing the f-word, and other words of a sexual
> nature.  Those are clearly inappropriate.
> Removing lesser words, and continuing to police their use henceforth,
> strikes me as overkill.
> What do other Committers think?

I don't think our sensibilities need be so delicate as to be compelled 
to purge mild exclamations from test files.

As noted elsewhere on this thread, the words altered in the proposed 
patch which intersect with the words in George Carin's list of "Seven 
Words You Can Never Say on Television," originate in up-stream sources 
and would be better addressed there.


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