RFR: 8215000: tools/launcher/JliLaunchTest.java fails on Windows

Henry Jen henry.jen at oracle.com
Wed Dec 12 19:39:37 UTC 2018

Duh, should be v==null. Thanks for catching it.


> On Dec 12, 2018, at 10:50 AM, Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at oracle.com> wrote:
> Brent is right since k is the given key and non-null.  Although it does not cause any issue as it only adds an empty element in the path, we should fix it in this patch.
> Mandy
> On 12/12/18 10:30 AM, Brent Christian wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Shouldn't the lambdas be checking for v == null, rather than k == null? 
>> -Brent 
>> On 12/12/18 9:36 AM, Henry Jen wrote: 
>>> Hi, 
>>> Can I get a review of following patch? 
>>> Looks like the assumption test jdk will be in PATH is simply not true, jtreg doesn’t do that. 
>>> Also, this patch make sure the JDK to be tested is first in the search path. 
>>> Cheers, 
>>> Henry 
>>> diff -r 241b8151b6b6 test/jdk/tools/launcher/JliLaunchTest.java 
>>> --- a/test/jdk/tools/launcher/JliLaunchTest.java        Fri Nov 30 13:42:49 2018 -0800 
>>> +++ b/test/jdk/tools/launcher/JliLaunchTest.java        Wed Dec 12 09:31:53 2018 -0800 
>>> @@ -49,10 +49,12 @@ 
>>>           Map<String, String> env = pb.environment(); 
>>>           if (Platform.isWindows()) { 
>>>               // The DLL should be in JDK/bin 
>>> +            String libdir = Paths.get(Utils.TEST_JDK).resolve("bin").toAbsolutePath().toString(); 
>>> +            env.compute("PATH", (k, v) -> (k == null) ? libdir : libdir + ";" + v); 
>>>           } else { 
>>>               String libdir = Paths.get(Utils.TEST_JDK).resolve("lib").toAbsolutePath().toString(); 
>>>               String LD_LIBRARY_PATH = Platform.isOSX() ? "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" : "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; 
>>> -            env.compute(LD_LIBRARY_PATH, (k, v) -> (k == null) ? libdir : v + ":" + libdir); 
>>> +            env.compute(LD_LIBRARY_PATH, (k, v) -> (k == null) ? libdir : libdir + ":" + v); 
>>>           } 
>>>           OutputAnalyzer outputf = new OutputAnalyzer(pb.start()); 

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