jpackage EA Build 0
Sverre Moe at
Sat Dec 15 17:21:00 UTC 2018
Noticed now that there was an --app-version argument as replacement for the
previous --version.
Though I would like to see any examples during help how to specify the
bundle resources to class path.
Den lør. 15. des. 2018 kl. 17:26 skrev Sverre Moe < at>:
> Some feedback from using this new JDK12 jpackage.
> The argument --version is no longer used for setting the bundler version.
> Thus one needs to specify bundle resources (spec for RPM and control for
> DEB), if the version is anything other than "1.0".
> I have yet to find out how to specify the bundle resources. It tells to
> put them on the class path, but that cannot be right, as jpackage is module.
> Using default package resource [menu icon] (add package/movies.png to the
> class path to customize)
> Why is --icon the only bundle argument that can be set on jpackage?
> Using custom package resource [menu icon] (loaded from file
> /home/sverre/workspace/movies/src/main/deploy/package/linux/movies.png)
> If these arguments where available there would be no need to add the
> bundle resources to any class path.
> --version, --release, --icon, --desktop, --linux-rpm-spec-file,
> --linux-deb-control-file, --windows-exe-iss-file
> The project I am trying this on is a fully modularized JavaFX application.
> task createInstaller(type: Exec) {
> dependsOn createRuntime
> dependsOn installDist
> commandLine '/usr/java/jdk-12/bin/jpackage', 'create-installer',
> '--verbose',
> '--name',,
> '--description', project.description,
> '--vendor', "Smeaworks Inc",
> '--install-dir', "/opt/smeaworks",
> '--category', "Some/Category/Application",
> '--module-path', new
> File(installDist.outputs.files.singleFile, "lib"),
> '--module', "${mainClassName}",
> '--runtime-image', ""${buildDir}/runtime
> '--output', "$buildDir/jfx/native"
> }
> /Sverre
> Den fre. 14. des. 2018 kl. 13:47 skrev Andy Herrick <
> andy.herrick at>:
>> I am pleased to announce that the first EA build of jpackage is now
>> available at :
>> This is an early access build of JEP 343: Packaging Tool
>> <>, aimed at testing a prototype
>> implementation of jpackage,
>> This build is intended for developers interested in jpackage, and is
>> provided as a convenience so that they don't need to build from the
>> source code <>
>> (branch="JDK-8200758-branch").
>> Warning: This build is based on an incomplete version of JDK 12
>> <>.
>> Please send feedback via e-mail to core-libs-dev at
>> /Andy
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