JDK-8210280 - Unnecessary reallocation when invoking HashMap.putAll()

Michal Vala mvala at redhat.com
Wed Dec 19 06:47:57 UTC 2018

Randomized test is not deterministic now. Can we have also original one?

On 12/18/18 10:29 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
> We have changes in jsr166 CVS  ready for going into openjdk
> https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~martin/webrevs/jdk/jsr166-integration/HashMap-resize/index.html
> (except for the microbenchmark, which doesn't fit into our pipeline at the
> moment).
> Pardon the fiddling ...
> ---
> Let's check in this order:
> +                while (s > threshold && table.length < MAXIMUM_CAPACITY)
> ---
> Let's add more HashMap pseudo-methods to the test:
> +
> +    Object[] table(HashMap map) {
> +        try {
> +            return (Object[]) TABLE.get(map);
> +        } catch (Throwable t) { throw new AssertionError(t); }
> +    }
> +
> +    int capacity(HashMap map) {
> +        return table(map).length;
> +    }
> and some more assertions:
> +    @Test
> +    public void capacityTest() {
> +        HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
> +        assertNull(table(map));
> +
> +        map.put(1, 1);
> +        assertEquals(capacity(map), 16);
> +
> +        map.putAll(IntStream.range(0, 64).boxed().collect(toMap(i ->
> i, i -> i)));
> +        assertEquals(capacity(map), 128);
> +    }
> I did my own TODO to randomize testBug8210280
> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 7:40 AM Michal Vala <mvala at redhat.com> wrote:
>> All tests I've run passed, benchmarks show ~15% performance boost for
>> putAllWithBigMapToNonEmptyMap.
>> On 12/17/18 7:32 AM, Michal Vala wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> thanks Doug, this is nice reduction.
>>> Here's the new webrev:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mvala/jdk/jdk/JDK-8210280/webrev.03/
>>> Just a nitpick, issue is in using linked-list in buckets. The same is
>> used for
>>> both HashMap and LinkedHashMap, so mentioning just LinkedHashMap might
>> be
>>> confising. I've updated the comment s/LinkedHashMap/linked-list buckets/.
>>> I'm just running tier1 tests and benchmarks.
>>> On 12/16/18 3:23 PM, Doug Lea wrote:
>>>> On 12/14/18 1:37 AM, Michal Vala wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Martin for finding this serious issue and the testcase.
>>>> Sorry that I wasn't paying attention to this and so forced Martin to
>>>> discover the hard way that because of LinkeHashMap, you can't skip
>>>> doubling steps (at least not without a lot of rework). Also, the
>>>> documentation should have mentioned this. A simpler way to reduce
>>>> overhead in the case at hand is just to loop in putMapEntries:
>>>> --- HashMap.java.~1.9.~    2018-11-11 15:43:24.982878495 -0500
>>>> +++ HashMap.java    2018-12-16 09:05:48.924727867 -0500
>>>> @@ -502,8 +502,13 @@
>>>>                    if (t > threshold)
>>>>                        threshold = tableSizeFor(t);
>>>>                }
>>>> -            else if (s > threshold)
>>>> -                resize();
>>>> +            else {
>>>> +                // Because of LinkedHashMap constraints, we cannot
>>>> +                // expand all at once, but can reduce total resize
>>>> +                // effort by repeated doubling now vs later
>>>> +                while (table.length <  MAXIMUM_CAPACITY && s >
>> threshold)
>>>> +                    resize();
>>>> +            }
>>>>                for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> e :
>> m.entrySet()) {
>>>>                    K key = e.getKey();
>>>>                    V value = e.getValue();
>> --
>> Michal Vala
>> OpenJDK QE
>> Red Hat Czech

Michal Vala
Red Hat Czech

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