RFR (S): 8215472: Cleanups in implementation classes of jdk.zipfs and tests

Xueming Shen xueming.shen at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 07:15:06 UTC 2018

On 12/18/18 5:44 AM, Langer, Christoph wrote:
>> In ZipFileSystem you remove the unused method releaseDeflater - to me
>> this indicates the resource pooling is actually broken? I.e., shouldn't
>> EntryOutputStreamDef return its Deflater to the cache when it's closed,
>> similar to how the anonymous InflaterInputStream in getInputStream does
>> it? As it's currently implemented the deflaters list will always be
>> empty and no Deflater returned, so could go the other way and remove
>> that cache if caching Deflaters isn't useful.
> You are right. I think this is a flaw of the change for 8034802 [1] [2]. I added the call to releaseDeflater() in the close method of EntryOutputStreamDef.
My bad. Adding the logic back looks fine. In latest implementation the 

is only created/used in sync() to write out any updated/compressed 
entry, which means there

is actually only one deflater is being used at a time during the sync(), 
so you can just have one

deflater and then reset it before passing on to the next entry write. 
And in fact even the EOSDef

is really not necessary. I was working on that ... but somehow I dropped 
the ball during copy/

paste :-( ended up using the deflater from the cache but failed to 
return it back.

Anyway. It's fine to keep current deflater cache mechanism, but it might 
be worth considering

to "inline" the EntryOutputStreamDef logic and/or remove the deflater 
cache at all in the future.


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