RFR: 8197594 - String and character repeat

Joseph D. Darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Thu Feb 15 21:59:17 UTC 2018

On 2/15/2018 12:38 PM, Roger Riggs wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> Its cleaner to do the API (CSR) review before and without the 
> implementation.
> It helps keep the issues separate.
> Don't make statements about count == Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2.
> There is no point, unless it should throw IAE.

My general recommendation if the code review and CSR review are to be 
serialized is to estimate which one is more likely to generate feedback 
that might modify the proposal and run though that process first. Since 
there has already been feedback leading to updates of this proposal, 
code review first in this case seems like a reasonable choice :-)

Developers at their discretion can run CSR and code review in parallel, 
but feedback may come from either process. Proposals still under 
development can also go through the two-phase CSR process to get some 
initial feedback before an intended-to-be-final version is produced.



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