[11] RFR: 8193128: Reduce number of implementation classes returned by List/Set/Map.of()

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at oracle.com
Mon Jan 8 11:37:10 UTC 2018

Hi Stuart et al,

I've gone through the feedback (thanks, everyone!) and made the 
following adjustments which I
hope covers most, if not all, concerns:

- Per John's suggestion I've moved most of the methods in List12/ListN 
to AbstractImmutableList,
using for-loops rather than iterators etc. I've not found evidence that 
the suggested
@ForceInline + trivial @Override trick is necessary for the methods 
implemented here to match
ArrayList, so left this out for now (examining this in-depth might be a 
good follow-up).

- Extracted common code between immutable List and Set implementations to
AbstractImmutableCollection and addedAbstractImmutableSet (the only 
method that was pulled
in and not overridden from AbstractSet was equals, so this seems like a 
cleaner abstraction with
minimal copy-paste)

- Rolled up the changes requested by JDK-8191418 into this patch, i.e., 
the following calls
now throw a NPE as expected:


Additionally Set.of(..).contains(null) and 
Map.of(..).containsValue/-Key(null) had an inconsistency
discovered when adding tests to this.

This is going against offline suggestions to break this patch into 
smaller parts, e.g. implement
JDK-8191418[1] separately, merge List0 into ListN in a standalone patch 
etc.. I agree, but
think teasing the constituent pieces at play *now* would be a large 
effort for small gain.

If faced with another round of overwhelming feedback/criticism I'm open 
to but not enthusiastic
about splitting this apart. :-)

- Per Jason Mehren's suggestion, I've moved EMPTY_* static finals to 
their respective
ListN/SetN/MapN class. I think they might all be initialized early in 
the bootstrap, but felt
cleaner regardless.

- I've NOT changed the subList() to return a Serializable view for now.

Experimentally verified that having List.of().subList() return a List12 
or ListN as appropriate
*could* give a speedup at call-sites that observe List12, ListN and 
SubList, but to achieve this
we would either have to redesign ListN to keep track of an offset + size 
(which has a small
performance and footprint cost), or have subList() actually copy the 
backing array.

Either alternative seems somewhat unappealing, and take the conservative 
approach for now. And
making SubList Serializable would be a simple change at a later date if 
deemed appropriate..

- Added a set of indexOf / lastIndexOf sanity tests for all(?) List 
implementations in java.util to

- Added tests to ListFactories ensuring indexOf(null) / 
lastIndexOf(null) / contains(null) are
consistent across immutable list and subList implementations

- Added a test to SetFactories ensuring contains(null) throw NPE for all 

- Added tests to MapFactories ensuring 
containsKey(null)/containsValue(null) consistently throw
NPE for all implementations

- Verified micro performance numbers hold up, and added micros for 
hashCode, indexOf.. [2]




[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8191418


Benchmark                            Mode  Cnt    Score   Error Units
ListMorphism.finalGetFromArrayList   avgt   25   37.985 ± 0.550 ns/op
ListMorphism.finalGetFromList        avgt   25   15.081 ± 0.016 ns/op
ListMorphism.finalSumSizesArrayList  avgt   25   16.474 ± 0.343 ns/op
ListMorphism.finalSumSizesList       avgt   25   13.817 ± 0.009 ns/op
ListMorphism.getFromArrayList        avgt   25   46.473 ± 0.049 ns/op
ListMorphism.getFromArrayList12      avgt   25   34.711 ± 1.680 ns/op
ListMorphism.getFromList             avgt   25   88.202 ± 0.500 ns/op
ListMorphism.getFromList12           avgt   25   28.904 ± 0.041 ns/op
ListMorphism.sumSizesArrayList       avgt   25   22.603 ± 0.012 ns/op
ListMorphism.sumSizesArrayList12     avgt   25   17.584 ± 0.019 ns/op
ListMorphism.sumSizesList            avgt   25   59.781 ± 2.666 ns/op
ListMorphism.sumSizesList12          avgt   25   17.589 ± 0.036 ns/op
ListMorphism.arrayListHash           avgt   25  121.163 ± 7.160 ns/op
ListMorphism.listHash                avgt   25  104.532 ± 0.783 ns/op
ListMorphism.arrayListIndexOf        avgt   25   74.204 ± 0.515 ns/op
ListMorphism.listIndexOf             avgt   25  529.105 ± 8.281 ns/op

Benchmark                            Mode  Cnt    Score   Error Units
ListMorphism.finalGetFromArrayList   avgt   25   37.744 ± 0.110 ns/op
ListMorphism.finalGetFromList        avgt   25   13.862 ± 0.085 ns/op
ListMorphism.finalSumSizesArrayList  avgt   25   16.326 ± 0.012 ns/op
ListMorphism.finalSumSizesList       avgt   25   15.249 ± 0.658 ns/op
ListMorphism.getFromArrayList        avgt   25   46.520 ± 0.220 ns/op
ListMorphism.getFromArrayList12      avgt   25   33.922 ± 0.051 ns/op
ListMorphism.getFromList             avgt   25   40.186 ± 0.019 ns/op
ListMorphism.getFromList12           avgt   25   27.741 ± 0.241 ns/op
ListMorphism.sumSizesArrayList       avgt   25   22.908 ± 1.051 ns/op
ListMorphism.sumSizesArrayList12     avgt   25   17.656 ± 0.121 ns/op
ListMorphism.sumSizesList            avgt   25   29.342 ± 1.410 ns/op
ListMorphism.sumSizesList12          avgt   25   20.180 ± 0.148 ns/op
ListMorphism.arrayListHash           avgt   25  117.427 ± 7.805 ns/op
ListMorphism.listHash                avgt   25  110.268 ± 7.485 ns/op
ListMorphism.arrayListIndexOf        avgt   25   75.051 ± 2.539 ns/op
ListMorphism.listIndexOf             avgt   25   76.609 ± 0.121 ns/op

The arrayListHash/listHash results are inconclusive due to a bimodal 
distribution in my micro but are close enough for comfort. The ~7x
listIndexOf improvement is large and stable, and stem mainly from moving
from the inefficient use of iterators previously inherited from 

On 2017-12-22 02:04, Stuart Marks wrote:
> Finally catching up with this thread....
> Yes, there should be some additional test cases added. When I added 
> the immutable collection classes in JDK 9, I did modify MOAT.java so 
> that its test cases would apply to the new implementations.
> A few more cases could be added that apply not only to the immutable 
> lists but also to lists in general.
> I think the bugs mentioned here are with indexOf() and lastIndexOf(), 
> with the latter accidentally being a copy of the former. Later in the 
> thread John pointed out an off-by-one error with lastIndexOf(), so 
> edge cases should be added as well. These would apply to all lists, 
> not just the immutable ones.
> There is also the issue mentioned in
>     JDK-8191418 List.of().indexOf(null) doesn't throw 
> NullPointerException
> Tests should be added for that and related methods. Since many 
> collections permit null, and I suspect some that disallow null might 
> permit indexOf(null) and related, it's not clear to me these belong in 
> MOAT.java.
> But if List.of().indexOf(null) were to throw NPE, I'd expect 
> List.of().subList(...).indexOf(null) also to throw NPE.
> s'marks
> On 12/8/17 9:44 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
>> Should there be changes to general purpose collection testing classes 
>> like
>> test/jdk/java/util/concurrent/tck/CollectionTest.java
>> test/jdk/java/util/Collection/MOAT.java
>> that would have caught this bug?
>> (although those are mostly designed for mutable collections, but I 
>> think some immutable collections (nCopies?) get tested somewhere.
>> On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 7:13 AM, Claes Redestad 
>> <claes.redestad at oracle.com <mailto:claes.redestad at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     On 2017-12-08 07:54, Andrej Golovnin wrote:
>>         Hi Claes,
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8193128/open.02/
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8193128/open.02/>
>>         I think you should provide specialised implementations of the
>>         #indexOf() and #lastIndexOf() methods in the classes List12 
>> and ListN.
>>         Using an iterator in List12 is an overkill. But even in ListN 
>> using a
>>         simple for loop would be much better.
>>     it's somewhat ironic that I started looking at this *because*
>>     indexOf was slow due use of iterators[1], but then never got
>>     around to specialize them in this patch.
>>         In any case please take look at
>>         the implementation of the #lastIndexOf() method in the
>>         AbstractImmutableList class. It looks like a copy of
>>         AbstractImmutableList#indexOf() and this is wrong.
>>     Nice catch! Quite the embarrassing copy-paste that...
>>     - Specialized the index/lastIndexOf methods for List12, ListN
>>     - Fixed implementation of lastIndexOf in AbstractImmutableList.
>>     - As AbstractImmutableList.indexOf/lastIndexOf are now only used
>>     by AbstractImmutableList.SubList, I moved them there with some
>>     commentary since it's not clear JDK-8191418 should add null
>>     checkson the input for SubList or not.
>>     - Added sanity tests of indexOf/lastIndexOf that touches all
>>     the new implementations:
>>     http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8193128/open.03/
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8193128/open.03/>
>>     Thanks!
>>     /Claes
>>     [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8191442
>>     <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8191442>

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