Add x-IBM-1129 charset

Ichiroh Takiguchi takiguc at
Fri Jun 15 07:33:59 UTC 2018


I tested IBM-1129 charset on AIX platform.
It worked fine for default encoding,
$ LANG=Vi_VN ~/jdk/bin/java PrintDefaultCharset
Vi_VN   x-IBM1129       IBM-1129        IBM-1129

And also code table is fine.

We would appreciate to open a bug/RFE for this change request.

Ichiroh Takiguchi
IBM Japan, Ltd.

On 2018-05-30 10:41, Nasser Ebrahim wrote:
> Hello,
> I just realized that I missed to provide the details of the test I have
> conducted for the new charset IBM-1129. Please note that I have done 
> the
> following jtreg tests to make sure the new charset is working properly.
> sun.nio.cs.TestCharsetMapping
> java.nio.charset.Charset.RegisteredCharsets
> sun.nio.cs.CheckHistoricalNamesTest
> java.nio.charset.RemovingSunIO.SunioAlias
> Please let me know if I have to run any additional tests.
> Am aware of the suggestion from Alan and Thomas in the mail thread
> to move the IBM platform specific charsets to a separate module instead 
> of
> adding to jdk.charsets.  We will open another thread to discuss that 
> topic
> as we would like to contribute many more extended charsets. However, I
> believe we can still consider integrating this charset without waiting 
> for
> the conclusion of that discussion as this charset is part of default
> charset for AIX and needs to be part of the java.base. If we decided to
> move the IBM charsets out of jdk.charsets, we can move this charsets as
> well for non-AIX platforms.
> Kindly request you to open a bug/RFE for this change request, review 
> the
> fix and provide your feedback.
> Thank you,
> Nasser Ebrahim
> From:   Nasser Ebrahim/India/IBM
> To:     core-libs-dev at
> Date:   05/19/2018 12:51 PM
> Subject:        Add  x-IBM-1129 charset
> Hello,
> With the following three bugs, all the default locale charsets except 
> two
> (Vi_VN.IBM-1129 & ja_JP.IBM-eucJP) are fixed for AIX platform.
> - JDK-8201540: [AIX] Extend the set of supported charsets in java.base
> - JDK-8202329: Codepage mappings for IBM-943 and Big5 (aix)
> -
> : [AIX] Add charset IBM-964 (default charset for zh_TW.IBM-eucTW) to 
> stdcs
> [bug not yet opened].
> For those fixed charsets, the charsets were existing in the extended
> charsets (jdk.charsets) and they were not working with default locale
> charset as it did not exist in the standard charset (java.base). The
> charsets correspond to the two pending locale (Vi_VN.IBM-1129 &
> ja_JP.IBM-eucJP) does not exist in the jdk. They need to be added to 
> the
> extended charsets before adding to stdcs on AIX platform.
> Here, am including the patch to fix  the charset IBM-1129 for the 
> locale
> Vi_VN.IBM-1129. We are working on the other missing charset (for
> ja_JP.IBM-eucJP) which will be contributed in some time.
> The webrev of the fix is available at
> Kindly request you to open a bug and review the fix. Please let me know 
> if
> you have any questions.
> Thank you,
> Nasser Ebrahim

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