
James Laskey james.laskey at
Mon Jun 18 21:49:32 UTC 2018


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 18, 2018, at 6:29 PM, Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
> "bisecting" sounds like it sends half the elements to one collector and half to the other ...
> "tee" might be a candidate, though it doesn't follow the `ing convention.  "teeing" sounds dumb.
>> On 6/15/2018 7:36 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi Tagir,
>> This is looking good.
>> My current favorite name for the factory method is “bisecting” since we are dividing the collector into two collectors, the results of which are then merged.
>>  Suggested first paragraph of the factory method:
>>   "Returns a collector that passes the input elements to two specified collectors and merges their results with the specified merge function.”
>> Paul.
>>> On Jun 15, 2018, at 4:26 AM, Tagir Valeev <amaembo at> wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I created a preliminary webrev of my own implementation (no testcases yet):
>>> If anybody wants to sponsor my implementation, I will happily log an issue and write tests.
>>> The name "pairing" was invented by me, but as I'm not a native English speaker I cannot judge whether it's optimal, so better ideas are welcome.
>>> Also I decided to remove accumulator types from public type variables. They do not add anything to type signature, only clutter it
>>> increasing the number of type parameters from 4 to 6. I think it was a mistake to expose the accumulator type parameter in other cascading collectors
>>> like filtering(), collectingAndThen(), groupingBy(), etc. I'm not insisting though, if you feel that conformance to existing collectors is
>>> more important than simplicity.
>>> With best regards,
>>> Tagir Valeev.
>>>> On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 5:05 AM Brian Goetz <brian.goetz at> wrote:
>>>> Well, I don't see the need to pack the two results into a Map.Entry
>>>> (or any similar) container as a drawback.
>>>  From an "integrity of the JDK APIs" perspective, it is unquestionably a
>>> drawback.  These items are not a Key and an associated Value in a Map;
>>> it's merely pretending that Map.Entry really means "Pair".  There's a
>>> reason we don't have a Pair class in the JDK (and no, let's not reopen
>>> that now); using something else as a Pair proxy that is supposed to have
>>> specific semantics is worse. (It's fine to do this in your own code, but
>>> not in the JDK. Different standards for code that has different audiences.)
>>> Tagir's proposed sidestepping is nice, and it will also play nicely with
>>> records, because then you can say:
>>>       record NameAndCount(String name, int count);
>>>       stream.collect(pairing(collectName, collectCount, NameAndCount::new));
>>> and get a more properly abstract result out.  And its more in the spirit
>>> of existing Collectors.  If you want to use Map.Entry as an
>>> _implementation detail_, that's fine.
>>> I can support this form.
>>>> I also don't see a larger abstraction like BiStream as a natural fit
>>>> for a similar thing.
>>> I think the BiStream connection is mostly tangential.  We tried hard to
>>> support streams of (K,V) pairs when we did streams, as Paul can attest,
>>> but it was a huge complexity-inflater and dropping this out paid an
>>> enormous simplification payoff.
>>> With records, having streams of tuples will be simpler to represent, but
>>> no more performant; it will take until we get to value types and
>>> specialized generics to get the performance we want out of this.

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