Proposal: optimization of Map.copyOf and Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap

Stuart Marks stuart.marks at
Tue Jun 19 00:55:29 UTC 2018

On 6/18/18 7:25 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
> In regard to new SharedSecret interfaces, one option is move shared (but 
> private) implementation classes
> to a jdk.internal.xx package (not exported).  This only works well if they are 
> not tightly coupled to other
> package private classes.
> SpinedBuffer might be a good candidate, I have some IO cases in mind that could 
> benefit from
> the allocation/reallocation savings.  (ByteArrayOutputStream for 1).

Yes, SpinedBuffer is a good candidate for this. There's nothing special about it 
that ties it to streams. It was just put into because streams 
were its initial (and currently only) users.

A SharedSecret would be helpful for things like new private factory methods for 
the unmodifiable collections, such as ones that might assume ownership of an 
array instead of copying it.


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