core-libs-dev Digest, Vol 131, Issue 19

A Z poweruserm at
Sun Mar 4 05:24:02 UTC 2018

To who it may concern,

'There was a JSR to add a new mode'

then I suppose I would be asking for that change on float and double, that being the case,

as well as an extra mathematics class for BigDecimal.

Despite all the time since 1.1, these are necessary changes,

since having to use BigDecimal for all accurate arithmetic begins

to waste memory, instructions, and the presently unavoidable

translation betwee get/set (float or double) and compute (BigDecimal)

and convert to (float or double).

These are in fact not opinions, but very great needs that the Software

community has needed from java for a very long time now,

despite statement in the Java Language Specification.

From: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev-bounces at> on behalf of core-libs-dev-request at <core-libs-dev-request at>
Sent: Saturday, 3 March 2018 11:00 PM
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Subject: core-libs-dev Digest, Vol 131, Issue 19

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Floating Point and Arithmetic Changes for Java SE Lnguage
      (Bernd Eckenfels)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2018 08:13:12 +0100
From: Bernd Eckenfels <ecki at>
To: "core-libs-dev at" <core-libs-dev at>
Subject: Re: Floating Point and Arithmetic Changes for Java SE Lnguage
Message-ID: <5a9a4b08.4bab500a.97905.feab at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Hello Anon,

It is impossible to Change the Java behavior for already existing Features like the simple Floating Point types. I would not expect much in this area. There was a JSR to add a new mode, but it seems to be abandoned:
The Java Community Process(SM) Program - JSRs: Java ...<>
This JSR has been Withdrawn Reason: Due to the general absence of interest in the community, the Specification lead withdrew the JSR. Original Java Specification ...

I think there was some discussion on Underflow/Overflow handlers, cant remeber where I have seen it. It seems to be not on the current JEP list:
JEP 0: JEP Index<>
This JEP is the index of all JDK Enhancement Proposals, known as JEPs. See JEP 1 for an overview of the JEP Process.

BTW: please reconsider your communication strategy (especially on Mailing lists). Marking mails as urgent should only be done if you are sure they are urgent to all (thousand) receivers, not only to you.

Bernd Eckenfels - Home<>
Bernd Eckenfels Kurzprofil. Seit 2004 lebe ich in Karlsruhe und seit 1998 mit Mela Eckenfels verheiratet. Ich arbeite bei einem mittelständischen Software ...

Von: A Z
Gesendet: Samstag, 3. M?rz 2018 04:25
An: core-libs-dev at
Betreff: Floating Point and Arithmetic Changes for Java SE Lnguage
Wichtigkeit: Hoch

I have found that double and float types in java are heirs to arithmetic underflow and overflow at any use.

I have found that presently, floating point is an arithmetic approximation.  My problem is that

the java language needs to be changed here, so that one may have arithmetic accuracy with

floats and doubles.

There is also a trigonometric shortfall when it comes to BigDecimal.

I have attempted to, and have more carefully described these problems, via the java bugs database:





-These types, as things are, must be computationally discarded, used only in terms of push and pull,

and be programmed around using BigDecimal, which will be a waste of memory,

program execution speed, and a total confusion due to the lack of any operator

usage options on BigDecimals.

-It is the case that set, get methods, constructors and mutability methods are all based

around float and double, not BigDecimal, which is part of the previous problem.

-It is the case that setting up BigDecimals can be and is a circumstantial waste of memory

with very many tasks, combined with the fact that the fact that having to use BigDecimal

method calls is nowhere near as efficient or legible to developers or mathematics and enginner

programmers (and useful with their time) as

+, -, *, /, %, +=,-+,*=,/=,%=, ++, --

.This is a syntax argument largely, but also an instruction argument

since BigDecimals have to be set up or used with an extra, thereby second, call.

-It is the case that every other major language includes both floating point and accuracy mode

options with these two types and or Objects, either as a source code instruction or as a

compiler switch option.  These languages at least provide both options for floating

point and mathematical accuracy mode.

-It is so that the present arithmetic underflow and underflow are total disadvantages,

that need only be changed in place, for preconditions and postconditions.

This is in regard to programs that have been compiled and built already.

-It is also the case that the state of Java floating point for the last 10 years or so is not really

any argument, given that things can be changed in place remaining reverse compatible,

along with how clear and necessary the problem is.

-My Oracle Support technical reviews seem not to recognise these real problems whatsoever, or

only interpret matters in terms of the Java Language Specification on these issues,

which of itself possesses inadequecies in these places.

Can someone please reply to me on these things?

Can Oracle update the Java SE language?

End of core-libs-dev Digest, Vol 131, Issue 19

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