RFR(M) 8212605: Pure-Java implementation of AccessController.doPrivileged
dean.long at oracle.com
dean.long at oracle.com
Thu Nov 1 19:11:02 UTC 2018
On 11/1/18 10:01 AM, Sean Mullan wrote:
> Some of the copyrights need to be updated to 2018.
> All else looks good to me as I had reviewed an earlier version of this
> before. We have talked about doing this for a while now, so I am
> finally glad we and are able to pretty much eliminate one of the more
> common SecurityManager related hot-spots and give a performance boost
> to applications that don't use the SM as well.
Thanks Sean.
> --Sean
> On 10/31/18 6:23 PM, dean.long at oracle.com wrote:
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8212605
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dlong/8212605/webrev.1
>> This change implements AccessController.doPrivileged in Java. This
>> gives a performance improvement while also being useful to Project
>> Loom by removing the Java --> native --> Java transition. One reason
>> doPrivileged has historically been in native is because of the need
>> to guarantee the cleanup of the privileged context when doPrivileged
>> returns. To do that in Java, the information that
>> AccessController.getContext needs is pushed onto the Java stack as
>> arguments to a method that getContext will recognize during its stack
>> walk. This allows us to remove the native privileged stack while
>> guaranteeing that the privileged context goes away when the method
>> returns.
>> Tested with tier1-tier3 hotspot and jdk tests and JCK
>> api/java_security tests. For the first few rounds of testing, I kept
>> the old native privileged stack and compared the results of the old
>> and new implementations for each getContext call, which did catch
>> some early bugs. The changes were also examined by internal security
>> experts and run through additional internal security tests.
>> The improvement on this [1] doPrivileged microbenchmark is
>> approximate 50x.
>> There is no attempt to optimize getContext() or security permission
>> checks in this change, however, this is intended to be a first step
>> towards other possible improvements, for example those proposed here
>> [2].
>> dl
>> [1]
>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jmh-jdk-microbenchmarks/file/fc4783360f58/src/main/java/org/openjdk/bench/java/security/DoPrivileged.java
>> [2]
>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/security-dev/2017-December/016627.html
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