RFR: 8212995: Consider placing the Integer.IntegerCache and cached Integer objects in the closed archive heap region

Ioi Lam ioi.lam at oracle.com
Sat Nov 3 00:15:52 UTC 2018

Hi Jiangli,

This looks good to me. Ship it!


- Ioi

On 11/2/18 10:57 AM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
> Hi Ioi,
> Here is the updated webrev with the warning message below for the 
> Integer cache.
>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiangli/8212995/webrev.03/
>  995      *
>  996      * WARNING: The cache is archived with CDS and reloaded from 
> the shared
>  997      * archive at runtime. The archived cache (Integer[]) and 
> Integer objects
>  998      * reside in the closed archive heap regions. Care should be 
> taken when
>  999      * changing the implementation and the cache array should not 
> be assigned
> 1000      * with new Integer object(s) after initialization.
> Including core-lib-dev mailing list since the change now touches the 
> core library file.
> Thanks,
> Jiangli
> On 11/1/18 10:58 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>> Hi Ioi,
>>> On Nov 1, 2018, at 9:37 PM, Ioi Lam <ioi.lam at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jiangli,
>>>   576 void 
>>> HeapShared::check_closed_archive_heap_region_object(InstanceKlass* k,
>>>   577 Thread* THREAD) {
>>>   578   // Check fields in the object
>>>   579   for (JavaFieldStream fs(k); !fs.done(); fs.next()) {
>>>   580     if (!fs.access_flags().is_static()) {
>>>   581       BasicType ft = fs.field_descriptor().field_type();
>>>   582       if (!fs.access_flags().is_final() && (ft == T_ARRAY || 
>>> T_OBJECT)) {
>>>   583         ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
>>>   584         log_warning(cds, heap)(
>>>   585           "Please check reference field in %s instance in 
>>> closed archive heap region: %s %s",
>>>   586           k->external_name(), (fs.name())->as_C_string(),
>>>   587           (fs.signature())->as_C_string());
>>>   588       }
>>>   589     }
>>>   590   }
>>>   591 }
>>> Checking that all static fields of the affected class (IntegerCache 
>>> in this case) are final is not enough. The elements of a final array 
>>> can be modified.
>> Just to clarify, the above checks all instance fields (non-static 
>> fields) in non-array objects. Static fields are not checked as 
>> mirrors are not in the closed archive heap region. In the 
>> IntegerCache subgraph case, it makes sure there is no non-final 
>> reference instance field in cached Integer objects (for future proof).
>>> JLS requires that
>>> https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-5.html#jls-5.1.7
>>> If the value p being boxed is an integer literal of type int between 
>>> -128 and 127 inclusive (§3.10.1), or the boolean literal true or 
>>> false (§3.10.3), or a character literal between '\u0000' and 
>>> '\u007f' inclusive (§3.10.4), then let a and b be the results of any 
>>> two boxing conversions of p. It is always the case that a == b.
>>> However, there's no requirement that all these special literal 
>>> values must be created at system bootstrap time. So it's conceivable 
>>> that IntegerCache may be rewritten to create the object dynamically:
>>>    public static Integer valueOf(int i) {
>>>        if (i >= IntegerCache.low && i <= IntegerCache.high) {
>>> +       if (IntegerCache.cache[i + (-IntegerCache.low)] == null) {
>>> +         IntegerCache.cache[i + (-IntegerCache.low)] = new Integer(i);
>>> +       }
>>>          return IntegerCache.cache[i + (-IntegerCache.low)];
>>>        }
>>>        return new Integer(i);
>>>    }
>>> Now, is this likely to happen? Probably not. However, in HotSpot, we 
>>> should not assume that the library will always stay the same, and 
>>> that the library writer knows what HotSpot requires.
>> So your suggestion was to add warnings specifically for Integer cache 
>> array. Looks like I’ve given it a much deeper interpretation.
>> I’ll add a warning about the cache. Will send new webrev tomorrow.
>> Thanks,
>> Jiangli
>>> Thanks
>>> - Ioi
>>>> On 11/1/18 3:47 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>>>> Hi Ioi,
>>>> Thanks for the review. I renamed both fields as suggested and added 
>>>> a warning for closed_archive_subgraph_entry_fields. A standalone 
>>>> warning message in Integer.java could be overlooked, so I added 
>>>> HeapShared::check_closed_archive_heap_region_object() for checking 
>>>> the instances being included in the closed archive heap regions at 
>>>> dump time.
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiangli/8212995/webrev.02/
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jiangli
>>>>> On 10/31/18 8:52 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jiangli,
>>>>> static ArchivableStaticFieldInfo shareable_subgraph_entry_fields[] 
>>>>> = {...}
>>>>> static ArchivableStaticFieldInfo subgraph_entry_fields[] = {...}
>>>>> Maybe these should be renamed to 
>>>>> {open/closed}_archive_subgraph_entry_fields?
>>>>> Also, I think we should add a strong warning about what objects 
>>>>> can be placed in closed_archive_subgraph_entry_fields[]. Any 
>>>>> references stored in these objects must not be modified at run 
>>>>> time (or else we could have a pointer that from the closed region 
>>>>> to the outside, violating the properties of the closed region.
>>>>> Maybe we should also add a warning in Integer.java, something akin 
>>>>> to "if you modify this class, check to see if it can still meet 
>>>>> the requirements in heapShared.cpp"?
>>>>> The rest of the code seems OK to me.
>>>>> As a future improvement, for all the objects whose fields are all 
>>>>> non-reference, final fields, maybe we can automatically put them 
>>>>> in the closed archive region? For example, all archived primitive 
>>>>> box objects are in this category.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> - Ioi
>>>>>> On 10/31/18 12:45 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/31/18 12:08 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ioi,
>>>>>>> Here is an updated webrev with renaming of the 'is_shared' 
>>>>>>> argument. I decided to go with your suggestion, 
>>>>>>> 'is_closed_archive'.
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiangli/8212995/webrev.01/
>>>>>> BTW, in above webrev, I also included a typo fix for the 
>>>>>> following warning that Mandy found (thanks Mandy!)
>>>>>> @@ -1324,11 +1329,11 @@
>>>>>>     // header data
>>>>>>     const char* prop = 
>>>>>> Arguments::get_property("java.system.class.loader");
>>>>>>     if (prop != NULL) {
>>>>>>       warning("Archived non-system classes are disabled because 
>>>>>> the "
>>>>>>               "java.system.class.loader property is specified 
>>>>>> (value = \"%s\"). "
>>>>>> -            "To use archived non-system classes, this property 
>>>>>> must be not be set", prop);
>>>>>> +            "To use archived non-system classes, this property 
>>>>>> must not be set", prop);
>>>>>>       _has_platform_or_app_classes = false;
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Jiangli
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Jiangli
>>>>>>>> On 10/30/18 4:19 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Ioi,
>>>>>>>> On 10/30/18 3:00 PM, Ioi Lam wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Jiangli,
>>>>>>>>> This looks promising.
>>>>>>>>> Now a full review yet, but I am wondering about the name of 
>>>>>>>>> the is_shared parameter
>>>>>>>>>    void add_subgraph_entry_field(int static_field_offset, oop 
>>>>>>>>> v, bool is_shared);
>>>>>>>>> Since this is part of "heapShared", everything is "shared" in 
>>>>>>>>> some sense of the word. It could be confusing to say something 
>>>>>>>>> is more shared than other things which also shared ...
>>>>>>>>> How "is_closed_archive" instead?
>>>>>>>> Yes, our 'shared' has broader meaning. "is_closed_archive" or 
>>>>>>>> "is_closed_space" sounds good to me. I'll rename.
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Jiangli
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> - Ioi
>>>>>>>>>> On 10/30/2018 01:57 PM, Jiangli Zhou wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Please review the following change for moving the archived 
>>>>>>>>>> Integer.IntegerCache and it's cached Integer objects (256) to 
>>>>>>>>>> the closed archiving heap region. The IntegerCache subgraph 
>>>>>>>>>> does not contain any reference that's changed at runtime 
>>>>>>>>>> (good candidate for sharing). Moving the whole subgraph into 
>>>>>>>>>> the closed archive heap region allows the memory to be shared 
>>>>>>>>>> by different JVM instances at runtime. The saving is 4K per 
>>>>>>>>>> JVM instance running the same or different java application 
>>>>>>>>>> simultaneously. Although 4K is not significant, in a larger 
>>>>>>>>>> picture the saving is much bigger (4k * (JVM_instance_num - 
>>>>>>>>>> 1) * host_num).
>>>>>>>>>> As part of the change, I also restructured the code to allow 
>>>>>>>>>> us to plug in more shareable subgraphs in the closed archive 
>>>>>>>>>> heap region for runtime footprint saving in the future.
>>>>>>>>>> The 'st' space is renamed to 'ca' (closed archive) space 
>>>>>>>>>> since it now contains other types of objects besides 
>>>>>>>>>> j.l.Strings.
>>>>>>>>>> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jiangli/8212995/webrev.00/
>>>>>>>>>> RFE: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8212995
>>>>>>>>>> Before:
>>>>>>>>>> mc  space:      8416 [  0.0% of total] out of     12288 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [ 68.5% used] at 0x0000000800000000
>>>>>>>>>> rw  space:   3946640 [ 21.4% of total] out of 3948544 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [100.0% used] at 0x0000000800003000
>>>>>>>>>> ro  space:   7319328 [ 39.6% of total] out of 7319552 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [100.0% used] at 0x00000008003c7000
>>>>>>>>>> md  space:      2416 [  0.0% of total] out of      4096 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [ 59.0% used] at 0x0000000800ac2000
>>>>>>>>>> od  space:   6475944 [ 35.0% of total] out of 6479872 bytes [ 
>>>>>>>>>> 99.9% used] at 0x0000000800ac3000
>>>>>>>>>> st0 space:    438272 [  2.4% of total] out of 438272 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [100.0% used] at 0x00000007ffc00000 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> oa0 space:    282624 [  1.5% of total] out of 282624 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [100.0% used] at 0x00000007ff800000 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> total    :  18473640 [100.0% of total] out of 18485248 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [ 99.9% used]
>>>>>>>>>> After:
>>>>>>>>>> mc  space:      8416 [  0.0% of total] out of     12288 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [ 68.5% used] at 0x0000000800000000
>>>>>>>>>> rw  space:   3946640 [ 21.4% of total] out of 3948544 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [100.0% used] at 0x0000000800003000
>>>>>>>>>> ro  space:   7319304 [ 39.6% of total] out of 7319552 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [100.0% used] at 0x00000008003c7000
>>>>>>>>>> md  space:      2416 [  0.0% of total] out of      4096 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [ 59.0% used] at 0x0000000800ac2000
>>>>>>>>>> od  space:   6475920 [ 35.0% of total] out of 6479872 bytes [ 
>>>>>>>>>> 99.9% used] at 0x0000000800ac3000
>>>>>>>>>> ca0 space:    442368 [  2.4% of total] out of 442368 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [100.0% used] at 0x00000007ffc00000 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> oa0 space:    278528 [  1.5% of total] out of 278528 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [100.0% used] at 0x00000007ff800000 <<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> total    :  18473592 [100.0% of total] out of 18485248 bytes 
>>>>>>>>>> [ 99.9% used]
>>>>>>>>>> Tested with appcds tests on linux-x64 locally. Running 
>>>>>>>>>> tier1-teir4 tests.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Jiangli

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