RFR(JDK 12/NIO) 8202285: (fs) Add a method to Files for comparing file contents

Joe Wang huizhe.wang at oracle.com
Wed Nov 7 17:59:00 UTC 2018

Thanks Ivan!

I agree that the upfront edge case checks aren't really necessary, after 
all, the great majority of the use cases won't hit the edge case (with 
the size being a factor of the buffer). We're therefore better off 
without the checks.

Here's an updated webrev: 


On 11/6/18, 4:21 PM, Ivan Gerasimov wrote:
> Hi Joe!
> I apologize, if it was already discussed before.
> Why do you need to have 3 edge cases of nRead1 and nRead2 in lines 
> 1596-1605:  Was it to save a call to Arrays.mismatch()?
> If I'm not mistaken, the code would work equally well, if lines 
> 1596-1615 were replaced with just subrange 1606-1614.
> With kind regards,
> Ivan
> On 11/6/18 12:53 PM, Joe Wang wrote:
>> Thanks Andrew for pointing that out. It wasn't intentional, a result 
>> of copy n paste after removing the support class. It's fixed now:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk12/8202285/webrev_v07/
>> -Joe
>> On 11/6/18, 10:27 AM, Andrew Luo wrote:
>>> I'm not a reviewer, but just wanted to point out that the fully 
>>> qualified Files.BUFFER_SIZE can be simplified to just BUFFER_SIZE.  
>>> Searching through the code in Files.java I don't see many other 
>>> instances of using Files.* (although I do see a few).
>>> Thanks
>>> Andrew
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: core-libs-dev<core-libs-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net>  On 
>>> Behalf Of Roger Riggs
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 8:56 AM
>>> To: core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net
>>> Subject: Re: RFR(JDK 12/NIO) 8202285: (fs) Add a method to Files for 
>>> comparing file contents
>>> +1
>>> Though with 65 tests, I suspect that there are more cases than 
>>> strictly needed to cover all the code flows.
>>> For example, three cases for testing when it is the same file 
>>> doesn't seem necessary.
>>> Regards, Roger
>>> On 11/05/2018 11:27 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
>>>> On 10/19/18 11:26 AM, Joe Wang wrote:
>>>>> Current version:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk12/8202285/webrev_v06/
>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>> Thanks for updating the tests per my comments. Everything looks 
>>>> good now!
>>>> s'marks

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